London Underground Rates Of Pay And Conditions Of Service 2011

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

In line with RMT policy, a pay claim for an increase in pay and improved terms and conditions was submitted to London Underground on behalf of you and your colleagues.

An offer has been received from LUL and it is as follows:

  • Year 1 (April 11 to March 12): 4%
  • Year 2 (April 12 to March 13): RPI + 0.25%
  • Year 3 (April 13 to March 14): RPI + 0.25%
  • Year 4 (April 14 to March 15): RPI + 0.25%
  • Year 5 (April 15 to March 16): RPI + 0.25%

This offer has been considered by your union’s Executive Committee and been rejected for the reasons I will outline below.

The first thing to note is that, with February’s RPI being 5.5%, then the first year of this offer is not a rise at all, but is actually a real-terms pay cut of 1.5%. This offer therefore falls well short of your union’s claim for a substantial, above-inflation, pay rise in a one-year deal and has been tabled despite LU carrying record numbers of passengers, charging high fares following above-inflation fare rises, cutting staff and thus increasing productivity and to say nothing of the continuation of LU in paying large numbers of senior managers excessive fat cat salaries.

This is why the derisory offer has been rejected and why your union shall continue to press the company for significant improvements.

Your union also believes that a better deal for London Underground workers can best be achieved by all trade unions in London Underground taking a united approach in this matter and that is why the RMT will continue to pursue unity in a way which has already seen much progress being made.

I will of course keep you advised of all further developments in your union’s campaign to win pay justice for you and your colleagues.