National Women’s Advisory Committee Meeting – 18th May 2011

Branches and Regional Councils are invited to submit items for consideration at the above meeting. Such items should deal solely with matters affecting female members and must not seek to determine Union policy. I would point out that the Committee cannot authorise the progression of claims. Branches submitting items for the agenda must inform their Regional Council of the content.

Branches and Regional Councils are reminded that observers are also welcome to attend the Advisory Committee, although expenses cannot be paid in this regard.

2011 Durham Miners Gala

The 127th Durham Miners Gala will be held on Saturday July 9 2011 and I want to encourage all RMT activists to attend this wonderful event.

The past struggles of the miners, particularly the strike of 1984-85, continue to inspire working people everywhere. Thousands of trade unionists will attend the 2011 Gala to pay tribute to the miners.

Please make every effort to attend and bring your banners. We want to have as large an RMT presence from all over the UK, as possible.

RMT General Secretary, Bob Crow

LUL Latest Pay Offer

Here is the latest LUL pay offer, it is not a final offer.

  1. Year 1: 4.5%, (which is an improvement of 0.5%)
  2. Years 2 to 5: Feb RPI + 0.25%: This has now been improved with a guarantee that LU will not take into account negative RPI, assuming such a scenario.
  3. As before we will also discuss the question of statutory holiday working arrangements;
  4. In addition, we are now offering to re-examine our current flexible working arrangements, which would include an examination of the question of career breaks for train operators.

    I will keep you advised of all further developments - Steve Hedley, RMT Regional Organiser, London Transport Region

Jail for Two Women who Stole Cash from OAP on Bus

A pair of pickpockets who stole £400 from a 75-year old woman have been jailed for five months.

Nedyalka Mihova, 38, and her daughter-in-law Ivanka Mihova, 21, pleaded guilty at Ealing Magistrates court to theft and were sentenced on Tuesday 22nd March 2011.

On October 30th 2010, the victim boarded the number 427 bus in Southall Broadway after withdrawing £400 from the bank. Nedyalka and Ivanka followed the pensioner onto the bus and stole the cash from her handbag before leaving the bus.

Justice for Zara Senkan Leafleting at Trafalgar Square, Saturday 14th May 2011 from 10am

Leafleting will take place on Saturday 14th May 2011 outside The Original Tour company's shop, The Original London Visitor Centre, 17-19, Cockspur Street, Trafalgar Square, London, SW1Y 5BL, from 10am, in support of Zara Senkan, who was sacked by The Original London Sightseeing Tour Ltd.

The Original London Sightseeing Tour bus company dismissed Zara Senkan shortly after she put in a grievance about numerous instances of sex discrimination.

Draft Regional Council Minutes 28th April

Regional Council Minutes 28th April

Bakerloo – Brian Munro, Eamonn Lynch, M.Taylor
Camden No.3 – John Reid,P.O Brien
Central Line West –
East Ham – Gary Lazell,N.Robertson,A.Rowntree,C.Reilly
Finsbury Park – John Kelly, Glenroy Watson, Frank Curtis, Dean O'Hanlon,Neil Cochrane,W.Reid
Hammersmith & City – Mr O Hare,S. Mc Kenzie,D O Hare,M. McKenna
Jubilee South & East London Line –J.Moriarty
London Taxis –
LU Engineering – S.Hedley
LU Fleet –
Morden & Oval – Arwyn Thomas,G Hart
Neasden – Gash Carney
Piccadilly & District West – G.Pugh

A letter to Bakerloo train operators

Below is the text from a letter from Bakerloo Branch Secretary, Brian Munro, to train operators on the Bakerloo Line. This was distributed today.


To Bakerloo train operators


On behalf of Eamonn Lynch and the Bakerloo Branch of the RMT I would like to express my sincere gratitude to those RMT members who voted for industrial action and who took part in our two days of solid strike action for our workmates Eamonn Lynch and Arwyn Thomas. To those ASLEF members who respected our picket lines and showed continual support and solidarity with the RMT’s campaign I would like to say that this union is proud to have you as our friends and comrades.

Victoria Line Dispute Update

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the report from our Regional Organiser and our representative, and are alarmed that London Underground intends to conduct trials from Seven Sisters to Walthamstow Central from May 30 despite our ongoing dispute over safety issues.

RMT Stations Reps to Discuss Job Cuts Reviews

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note that London Underground has agreed to release all our stations representatives - industrial relations and health and safety - to attend a meeting to discuss the reviews of the Operational Strategic Plan (OSP: job cuts) on May 24, and that the meeting will take place at the Indian YMCA, Fitzroy Square from 10:00 until 17:00.

We instruct the General Secretary to ensure that:

  • all representatives are advised by post of this meeting and that they are expected to attend

London Underground: RMT to Accept New Machinery of Negotiation

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the report from our Regional Organiser and the recent discussion with our representatives. We accept our Regional Organiser’s recommendation that we accept the proposed machineries of negotiation for London Underground, both industrial relations and health & safety. We await clarification of the two issues raised with the company before signing our agreement.

We instruct the General Secretary, once agreement is signed, to advise all relevant branches and representatives, providing them with a copy of the documents.