London Underground Pay-Regional Council 26th May

The following resolution submitted by East Ham branch was carried at the Regional Council meeting on May 26th.

This Regional Council already has policy that RMT should name a figure that the union aspires to achieve for this year’s pay award. We now resolve that this figure should be 6.5% (ie. February RPI+1%) or £2,500 whichever is higher. We feel that this would give greater benefit to the low paid grades whilst still being reasonable for the higher paid Grades.

LU Company Council Representation- Regional Council 26th May

The following resolution submitted by LU Fleet branchand was carried at the May 26th Meeting of the Regional Council

Under the new machinery,the RMT only has 3 Reps allowed to attend the LUCC,at the moment this consists of I Train Operator Rep,1 Stations Rep and a full time officer.

Due to LU Fleet and LU Engineering sections now coming under this machinery,this branch feels that the representation balance is now not right.

Reps Roles and responsibilities Resolution-Regional Council 26th May

The following resolution submitted by Finsbury Park branch and amended by Stratford No 1 was carried at the May 26th Meeting of the Regional Council.

This Branch believes that our union should be striving to be as strong and effective as possible, in order to be able to do its job of defending and advancing the interests of its members.The Region further believes that local reps are vital to the process of building and strengthening the union, being as they are the face of the union in the workplace and the first port of call for members with problems.

RMT response: McNulty Report on Railways

Dear Colleague,

As you will be aware the Government has today published the McNulty report into the railways. This circular, briefing and a video are on the RMT website at 

The union has made numerous representations into the McNulty review. Predictably however   the report is underpinned by the same ideology that led to the disastrousprivatisationof the railways and seems designed to appease the vested interests of the privatised train operating companies.

Change of Venue For Regional Council Meeting

RMT's London Transport Regional Council meets on the last Thursday of every month (except December and June) between 4.30 and 6.30pm.There is now a new temporary venue until further notice: Exmouth Arms,just off Drummond Street near Euston station.

If you need to confirm the meeting time and place or find further information about these meetings have a look here, speak to a rep, or email us.

Black and Ethnic Minority Members’ Advisory Committee Meeting - 3rd June 2011

Branches and Regional Councils are invited to submit items for consideration at the above meeting. Such items should deal solely with matters affecting black and ethnic minority members and must not seek to determine Union policy. I would point out that the Committee cannot authorise the progression of claims. Branches submitting items for the agenda must inform their Regional Council of the content.

Branches and Regional Councils are reminded that observers are also welcome to attend the Advisory Committee, although expenses cannot be paid in this regard.