Disability Officer's report to September Regional Council meeting

Contact me: j.booth@rmt.org.uk

1. Disabled People Against Cuts held a week of action to coincide with the Paralympic Games. During the week, DPAC attended our Southern Rail picket line. Disabled campaigners have compiled a report alleging that Southern's plans to remove guards breach the Equality Act in making its services less accessible to disabled passengers.

2. I have spoken about disability issues at several branch meetings, in our region and beyond, and am happy to speak at more.

Local Investigation Report into Canning Town Evacuation Slams Fit for the Future

A company report into an evacuation that went out of control at Canning Town has blamed inadequate staffing levels and the closure of control rooms.

RMT is calling for the one year review of Fit for the Future to be brought forward. We need more staff now. We need control rooms re-opened.

Download the SFC newsletter here: http://www.rmtlondoncalling.org.uk/content/local-investigatory-report-ca...

Local Investigatory Report into Canning Town Evacuation Slams Fit for the Future

Please download and distribute the newsletter


RMT Head Office has seen a draft Local Investigatory Report into a PTI incident and station evacuation at Canning Town in May of this year.

“With the Control Room at Canning Town being unstaffed there was no central base for communications to flow in and out of.”

“Station classification lead to low numbers of staff being present to manage an emergency.”

Hammersmith & City and Circle Line Drivers' strike goes ahead from this evening

Following an overwhelming vote for action by RMT drivers on the Hammersmith and City and Circle Lines, and a failure to reach an agreement in talks held through ACAS right up to the wire yesterday, the union has confirmed this morning that 24 hours of strike action will go ahead from this evening.

All affected members have been instructed NOT TO BOOK ON for any shifts that commence between:-

RMT gives guarded welcome to Mayor's London Taxi strategy

Taxi Union RMT gives guarded welcome to elements of Mayor's London Taxi strategy but warns that he has again missed key issue on plying for hire

Mick Cash, General secretary of London Taxi Union RMT said;

"The union gives a guarded welcome to elements of this package that have already been widely trailed and we now expect that our London Taxi reps will be fully engaged ‎in discussions as to how this strategy moves forwards.