London Transport Regional Council 29 September

The next meeting of the LTRC will be at the Torch PH in Wembley Park on Thursday September 29 1630 - 1830

Following an initiative from Neadsen Branch the LTRC will be travelling around the region using Branch locations to hold the monthly meeting.

Recruitment and organising activity will take place prior to the Regional Council.

Please make every effort to attend

All members are welcome

It's your Union come and have your say

Don't Let your Managers Break the Framework

We're hearing of more and more cases of rest days being changed in breach of the framework agreement and HGW being denied where it is due.

Please read and download the guide to working under FftF on this webpage.

A poster to download and display on union notice boards will be available soon showing the web address for the area.

It pays to be in the RMT

Last Friday the RMT won a major victory when an Employment Tribunal at Watford ruled that one of our members had been unfairly dismissed after refusing to give a sample of hair during an alleged for cause DNA test. Member did not work for LUL but this result shows that employers have to be very careful about their actions whilst carrying out such tests and our local reps have to be extra vigilant to ensure that they are following the agreed process.

Bakerloo News September 2016

Bakerloo news is the newsletter for workers on the line, from the RMT Bakerloo branch.

In this edition:

  • LU must reverse job cuts!
  • Staff our depots!

  • Oxo jobs fight

  • LDIs: our warning to management

  • Oblique images: action needed

  • New fight for cleaners

  • Drivers: stand firm

  • Take safety seriously