RMT submission to London TravelWatch ticket office closure review

London Underground union the RMT has made a submission to London TravelWatch who have been instructed by London Mayor Sadiq Khan to carry out a review of ticket office closures on the Tube.

Click here to tell London TravelWatch your view on ticket office closures

The RMT's submission covers the following important areas:

RMT to ballot for strike over safety critical job cuts

London Underground is facing renewed industrial action on its stations, tube union RMT confirmed today.

Station staff members of the Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers Unions (RMT) will be balloted for strike action and action short of strike action in an on-going battle over job numbers, the critical safety role of control rooms, forced displacement of staff, grading and a crisis resulting from London Undergrounds closure of ticket offices.

Bakerloo News October 2016

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for workers on the Bakerloo Line, produced by the RMT bakerloo line branch.  In this edition:

  • Prepare for action!
    • Your union is preparing to launch a new dispute on stations, including a ballot for industrial action, over the consequences of “Fit for the Future”.
  • Ticket offices: use the review

  • SRT: Defend the Framework


  • Elephant depot vacancies filled, but fight continues

  • Oxo toilet refurb

Neasden Branch Meeting change of dates for November and December.

Due to Tottenham Hotspur playing their Champions League games at Wembley Stadium the following Neasden branch meetings have been rescheduled.

The November Branch meeting which was scheduled for Wednesday 2nd will now take place on Thursday 3rd.

The December (Christmas) Branch Meeting which was scheduled for Wednesday 7th will now take place on Friday 9th.

These meetings will take place at the usual venue - The Torch Pub in Wembley Park.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

The truth: RMT position on Night Tube drivers New Years' Eve working

NEW YEARS’ EVE WORKING 2016 - An update

Dear Colleagues It has been brought to my attention that Aslef has been making wildly inaccurate claims about this Union’s position on NYE payments for drivers. It saddens me to have to refute statements from another union, because I believe we should always strive to work together, but I cannot allow falsehoods to go unchallenged.