Tube drivers ready to fight back in Piccadilly Line dispute

Further to my previous Circular (IR/317/16, 26th October 2016), the ballot has concluded with members voting as follows:-

Question: Are you prepared to take strike action?

Total Votes Cast 201

Number Voting ‘Yes’ 169

Number Voting ‘No’ 32

Spoilt Papers 0

Question: Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?

Total Votes Cast 201

Number Voting ‘Yes’ 176

Number Voting ‘No’ 25

Spoilt Papers 0

Strong yes vote for station cuts strike action

Further to my previous Circular (IR/317/16, 26th October 2016), the ballot has concluded with members voting as follows:-

Question: Are you prepared to take strike action?

Total Votes Cast 1053
Number Voting ‘Yes’ 900
Number Voting ‘No’ 149
Spoilt Papers 4

Question: Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?

Big votes for action in two separate disputes on London Underground

Tube union RMT confirmed today that balloting has concluded in two separate disputes on London Underground with massive votes for action being recorded in both. Both disputes, tube station staff and Piccadilly Line drivers, have safety of passengers and staff at their core.

The disputes are:

CSM2 job under threat

The CSM2 job is now is seriously under threat as a result of some LU Area Managers lobbying hard behind the scenes for its abolition. RMT knows the CSM2 grade doesn't work - but not for the reasons being touted by managers. One idea being seriously canvassed is the merging of adjacent CSM2-type areas, with stations to be run by a CSS in exactly the same way as an SS2 used to until LU stupidly abolished SS grades to drive down pay, and this would likely be a CSS2; there are usually no Ops Rooms.

RMT Station Grades Vote 6:1 for Strikes and Action short of Strikes: Download new SFC News

Download and distribute the new SFC News.

It is vital that members in every area know about this action

Don't work overtime after 00:01 on Wed 23 Nov


The newsletter also deals with management abuses of sickness process, CSA2 HGW and letters of advice.

Significant win for Tube Lines members

The RMT have achieved a significant victory in the Tube Lines Pay, Pensions and Night Tube disputes. A good pay deal has been secured, as well as pension parity for all Tube Lines members.  This long running dispute has been won because of the hard work of RMT activists and representatives.

The letter below from General Secretary Mick Cash outlines the dispute, and the full deal is attached.

In Solidarity,

John Leach

London Transport Regional Organiser

Letter from General Secretary 

Stations Ballot Closes on Nov 15

Make sure you return your balot paper in good time and vote YES for strike action and action short of strike action.

Industrial action, which could include an overtime ban, will show that our stations cannot operate with the current staffing levels.

  • Restore all jobs cut under Fit for the Future
  • Stop all displacements until we have an agreed transfer policy
  • All CSAs to be CSA1
  • Put the ticket offcie closures into reverse