London Underground Trainside Meeting

To all Industrial and H&S Train Operator Representatives – LUL

Dear Colleagues

Please see the attached letter (below) that John Leach has received from the General Secretary calling for a meeting of Train Staff Representatives within 10 days to discuss the above as well as the situation on the Hammersmith & City and Piccadilly Lines.

This meeting will take place at 10.00 hours in the Boardroom, Unity House on Monday 31st October.

Solidarity with the people of Turkey

Dear Colleagues,

Solidarity with the People of Turkey

I am writing to invite you to the conference 'Turkey after the failed coup and the battle for democracy' organised by Solidarity with People of Turkey (SPOT) on Saturday, 29 October 2016 at NUT Headquarters, Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London, WC1H 9BD.

This is an important and timely conference which aims to give people of Britain an insight into developments in Turkey. The conference will bring many politicians, trade unionists and members of the campaign groups from Britain and Turkey.

Paul Robeson - a celebration of his life and work


Our Black and Ethnic Minority Members' Conference this year passed a resolution calling for an event during Black History Month to mark the 40th anniversary of the passing of the revolutionary Paul Robeson.  Such an event should be “dedicated to educate our members on the history of the role of Robeson and members of the NUR/RMT in the Spanish war against facism.”  

Night Tube Drivers to get fair choice on New Years Eve working and equal bonus payment

London Underground has agreed with the RMT about the fairest way to operate services on New Years Eve.

Now all Night Tube drivers will have the opportunity to either work or apply for annual leave on NYE, but if they choose to work they will be paid the same enhancements as full time drivers who volunteer. This has been a prolonged process – taking many months to achieve – but at last we have a position which is both fair and consistent with current procedures.

Update on Trains Management

Today myself and reps from the other Trade Unions again met with London Underground management to provide initial feedback and questions in response to the proposals made last week. I tabled 35 questions and comments and the other unions fully supported these, as well as making a number of additional points. For the RMT, the biggest issues will be the threat to pensions if the company's proposals over pay capping are allowed to happen and needing the company to guarantee a process of preferencing for locations.

An evening to remember Paul Robeson

A great initiative from the BEMMAC to commemorate the life of one of our finest - Mr Paul Robeson

A legendary character in the workers struggle whose songs inspired us and in times of need consoled us.

I recall at the funeral of Brian Munro, Robesons recital of Joe Hill was not only emotionally moving but also challenging to us all. I personally felt this was a demand from Brian that RMT reps go on to organise.

Paul Robeson will mean many things to many people.

Support for industrial action

Station staff members of the Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers Unions (RMT) will be balloted for strike action and action short of strike action in an on-going battle over job numbers, the critical safety role of control rooms, forced displacement of staff, grading and a crisis resulting from London Undergrounds closure of ticket offices