**URGENT** for members in affected areas:
Track Access Control, Power Control, Service Control, LUCC, Skills Development, Waste, Pumps, Stations Buildings & Civils and Signals Incidents
Official Circular No: IR/125/19 29th March 2019
Dear Colleagues,
Further to my previous Circular (IR/80/19, 22nd February 2019) and as you may be aware, TfL/LUL is undergoing a process called ‘Transformation’ which aims to cut costs and make savings by making job cuts. LUL has recently announced a further raft of job losses affecting members in Track Access Control, Power Control, Service Control, LUCC, Skills Development, Waste, Pumps, Stations Buildings & Civils and Signals Incidents. The Company has given formal notice of the start of 90 days of consultations and advised that the effective commencement date was Tuesday 26th March 2019.
RMT is of course opposed to the whole Transformation process and determined to make sure that the Company follows the correct procedures and adheres to our agreements during this process. The Union previously received an assurance from LUL that this would be the case so I am shocked that once again, they are pressing ahead with issuing formal notifications.
I have written to the Company to demand that section 6.1.1. of the Main Framework Agreement is immediately and properly adhered to. This states that any changes in relation to staffing levels will only be carried out following full consultation and negotiation with the trades unions. This has not been the case so far as no negotiation has taken place and no safety review or validation has been provided.
As a result of the above and due to LUL breaching key main agreement principles, RMT will advise the Company at the meeting next Tuesday that unless we are provided with the relevant information including the full proposals and full information on all safety aspects, we will withdraw from the 90 day consultation.
The National Executive Committee will consider this matter again next week and I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary
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