LUL Trains

News, reports and information for London Underground train drivers


Breakdown in Industrial Relations, Seven Sisters depot

Circular No. IR/170/09, 29th May 2009


I can confirm that the General Grades Committee has brought forward and extended the next period of strike action in support of the above dispute. The one day stoppage previously called for over 17th and 18th June is now called off and full details of the revised stoppage are given below.

Evening Standard Attack on RMT

From Bob Crow, RMT General Secretary

Dear Colleague,

Some of you may have seen the editorial comment in the later editions of the Evening Standard on Thursday 21st May attacking RMT members over the industrial action on the Victoria Line that day.

RMT have asked the Evening Standard for the right to reply. As yet, we have had no response. A copy of my letter to the Standard is attached and reprinted below. Please ensure that it is widely distributed.

Vic LIne strikes: Messages of Support

A couple of messages of support from passengers for the Vic line strike ...

"Strike is the only way to get your voice heard! Stand up for your rights, and beyond that, for people and workers' rights in the UK. "Wake up UK!" A victoria line commuter

"I would like to support your action re the Correct Side Door Enabler." Shoaban Nair Trusts and Foundations Fundraising Officer

Victoria line strike “100% solid” in dispute over door safety and bullying

RMT press release, issued today.

RMT said this morning that train operators working out of the Seven Sisters depot, covering the Victoria Line, are rock solid in their support for a 24 hour strike which started at 9pm last night.

RMT paid tribute to its members who have been prepared to give up a second days pay in a fight to get correct door side operating equipment installed on the Victoria Line, a failsafe safety system that operates on every other line on the Underground, and in a stand against bullying and victimisation of RMT members and activists.

RMT announces a 24 hour strike on the Victoria Line this week over door-opening safety issues and bullying of staff

RMT train operators working out of the Seven Sisters depot, covering the Victoria Line, will be on strike from 21.00 hours Wednesday 20 May to 20.59 hours Thursday 21 May in a second day of action in a dispute over the failure to install Correct Door Side Enabling Equipment and the continuing bullying, harassment and victimisation of RMT members.

VICTORIA LINE DISPUTE - management resorts to rumours, gossip and censorship

Like school yard bullies who have been given a bloody nose, managers at Seven Sisters who have for so long pushed our members around and made their lives hell, are now licking their wounds. Rather than waking up and treating you with the respect you deserve, they have been busy spreading rumours and trying to break your resolve; see Frequently Asked Questions below for a full response on some of the nonsense they have been coming out with.

RMT Drivers Strike for Justice

Victoria line drivers held a solid day of strike action, with not a single train running all day Wednesday.

The drivers took action to demand the reinstatement of sacked workmate Carl Campbell (pictured) as well as the installation of Correct Side Door Enabling equipment, and an end to managers' mistreatment of staff, especially RMT branch chair Glenroy Watson.

Trains Health and Safety Council Newsletter - XTP: Management shamed

Click '1 attachment' / file name to download the newsletter. Read the text below ...

HMRI have written to LU raising serious concerns about the safety of the Cross Track Projection system (XTP). The railway inspectorate has told LU what your safety reps have been telling them for the past 6 months: that XTP is a distraction to drivers and is just not safe! When this system was first consulted upon, CBS gave assurances to safety reps that the system would turn off before the train entered the platform. A catalogue of lies, excuses and U-turns later, we are in the position where by the projector stays on constantly in many locations. This, as we have told LU management many times, causes a serious distraction to the driver at a time when they should be concentrating on the PTI, the combine’s greatest risk. As our concerns have been ignored we can only assume that the revenue received outweighs any risk involved.