LUL Trains

News, reports and information for London Underground train drivers


Casualisation Dispute: Victory for RMT!

From 'RMT On The Trains' newsletter, August 2008

Recent threats of strike action combined with public campaigning by the RMT caused management to re-think their plans to cut station staff. We pointed out that a safe railway must be properly staffed. Videos will never substitute for staff.

LUL have now dropped their plans to close dozens of ticket offices. Furthermore they dropped plans to do away with station supervisors during traffic hours – not everything we want but even that could not have been achieved without determined action from your union.

New Threat to Jobs and Safety: New Victoria trains perfectly safe – in their imaginations!

From 'RMT On The Trains' newsletter, August 2008

The RMT has written to LUL to say we do not accept automatic doors. It is planned that the new Victoria Line trains are designed so that the doors can open on their own without any safety check from the driver. NO matter what is happening on the platform, the train would just open the doors. They assure us that even after several years this would be fail safe technology and would never open the doors in the tunnel. How do they know that? Easy – the private manufacturers have told them so!