LUL Trains

News, reports and information for London Underground train drivers


Breakdown in Industrial Relations Seven Sisters Depot – LUL

From RMT official circular IR/97/09, dated 19th March 2009

I received a report regarding a breakdown in industrial relations at the Seven Sisters Depot, the four main points being;

  • The dismissal of train driver Carl Campbell (who should be reinstated immediately)
  • A stop to the misuse of attendance and disciplinary procedures
  • The lack of proper installation of Correct Side Door Enable equipment as provided on all other lines
  • An end to the victimisation of RMT activist Glenroy Watson

Breach of Disciplinary Procedures - Drivers Piccadilly Line - LUL

From RMT official circular IR/97/09, dated 19th March 2009

I write to confirm the final arrangements for the above ballot. The ballot papers were sent out on 19th March 2009 and the new closing date is Friday 27th March 2009.

Please note that that due to legal reasons Arnos Grove and Acton Town will be balloted separately however, it remains a single dispute

I urge RMT Drivers on the Piccadilly Line to return their ballot papers in the envelopes provided upon receiving them, to show management that the Union and our members will not be trampled on.

Yours Sincerely

Bakerloo Line Elephant drivers tier 1 meeting. 6.3.2009

At the recent Tier 1 we had the opportunity to raise some issues with Bakerloo Line Managers. This is a brief outline of what discussions took place;

Route Proving.

Management seem to have got themselves into a bit of a 2 and 8 over this. They state Tier 2 reps have been consulted, and that validates their responsibilities to consult with us prior to new procedures being adopted. They then say Tier 1 reps were offered and declined consultation.

Excessive Wheel /Flange Squeal

We at the Bakerloo Line have been subjected to ear splitting excess wheel screech for the past 4 months. Originally drivers were told to wear their ear defenders. These would be the ones SQE told us we don't need. The ones that are no longer part of our PPE. We have asked for a local investigation into the root cause of the problems. Surprisingly our PM turned this down!! It is now time to up the ante.

WRONG SIDE DOORS - Another driver pays the price for company’s unsafe system

Carl Campbell is the latest Victoria Line driver to pay the ultimate price for the lack of investment by Victoria Line management in Correct Side Door Enable equipment (CSDE), enjoyed by drivers on all other London Underground lines. In fact, Carl paid the price despite the fact that the panel at his Company Disciplinary Interview accepted the video evidence that the pilot light could have only “flickered” off and on and that the doors could not have been open in any reasonable interpretation of the word.

Piccadilly Line Drivers Ballot for Action

From RMT head office circular No. IR/70/09, dated 5th March 2009


In view of the ongoing concerns we have with regard to abuses of the disciplinary procedures on the Piccadilly Line, the ballot of Train Operators will go ahead as we are still in dispute.

For legal reasons two separate ballots will be held, one for Arnos Grove Ash House and the other for Acton Town Bollo House.

The ballot papers will be sent out to members on 10th March 2009 and the closing date will be 25th March 2009.

Value Our Time!

Who are they kidding? We have all been subjected to the forced rhetoric of our glorious, soon to be departing, MD. We are told at valuing time in a bunker near Holborn how wonderful we all our. How great our achievements have been over the past year. How we are in line for a £500 bonus because we deliver such brilliant and consistent customer satisfaction. Now all of a sudden, we are worth absolute nothing. A miserly ,insult of a pay offer. 5 years of no pay rises. For what? No improvement in conditions, pensions or anything.

STILL NO JUSTICE - Appeal sends Zak Khan to stations

The result of Zak Khan’s twice postponed appeal was finally given at a meeting on Thursday 12th February: the company decided to re-employ Zak as a CSA at Waterloo station with a 52-week suspended dismissal still hanging over his head and to take away his licence. With the company still around 120 drivers over establishment across the combine this is a heavy financial punishment with little chance of him returning as a driver after 52 weeks. Also the slightest mistake on the stations within the next 52 weeks could see Zak thrown to the wolves again.