LUL Trains

News, reports and information for London Underground train drivers


Support your sacked colleagues. Vote YES for strike action!

Click on the attachment to download the Issue 3 of the Bakerloo train grades newsletter.

The article follows:

Three Bakerloo Line drivers have received early Christmas presents from the Bakerloo Line management in the past couple of weeks: two sacked, one dipped.
All three cases could quite easily have been handled more compassionately by management but instead the axe was wielded unnecessarily.

Operational Effectiveness Programme aka Attacks on Conditions, Safety and Jobs!

From Jim McDaid, RMT Trains Health & Safety Council rep

We had an 'informal chat' with bods from the Operational Standards Unit (LU's Rule Book people) last Friday to hear their proposals for a new programme of rule changes that they want to implement across the combine. It was informal as we have so far refused to enter into formal consultation until the Safety Council have had a chance to meet with our Functional Council and Head Office officials, which we hope will be happening soon.

There are several rule book changes proposed so I'll give you the main items:

Safety Information for Underground Drivers: Wrong Direction Moves

Read the text below; click on '1 attachment' / file name to download a printable notice.

As part of Connect radio ‘Phase 2’ implementation a number of changes were made to safety critical procedures. The most notable of these was authority to pass a semi-automatic signals using secure radio communications. There were many publications, notices and briefings pertaining to the new procedure.

In a way, there was a poor relation, a new procedure that was somewhat overshadowed: wrong direction moves!

RMT Begins Ballot In Four Separate TfL Disputes

Today RMT began balloting four separate groups of members for industrial action in four separate localised trade disputes:

  • EDF Energy Powerlink
  • LU Hammersmith and City Depot Drivers
  • Straford Market Depot - Alstom Metro Trains
  • LUL Willesden Green Group

RMT has also today served notice on London Underground for a ballot of staff over pay and conditions with the ballot closing on Monday 21st December.

Oi !! Taxi For The Driver !!

The Bakerloo Line between QPK & SPK is to be shut down over the Xmas and New Year period.
And with the record of recent line shut downs, we are worried.
Very worried.
No thought seems to have been given to the safety of T/Ops and Station staff having to yomp from booking on at QPK DT up to SPK.
On the replacement bus service.
With scores of potentially irate drunken punters who have just been turfed off the combine at Queens Park


Bosses on the Victoria Line have been forced into a u-turn over their recent attempts to impose 5-rounder turns on the line. A standing agreement that there would be no 5-rounder turns on the line because of its hot and noisy environment was ripped up by local management who had hoped to be able to squeeze more work out of their drivers. These plans are now in shreds as a result of drivers’ threat to strike on for 24 hours on 5/6th October and to work to rule in the week leading up to the strike.

RMT Video: A Message to all Train Drivers from RMT

I just found this video over at the RMT website about the importance of all grades sticking together. I started work with LU on the stations and now work as a train driver. I'm often asked why I don't now join a single grades union and this video states clearly the answer to that and why we need to stand together.