Safety Information for Underground Drivers: Wrong Direction Moves

Read the text below; click on '1 attachment' / file name to download a printable notice.

As part of Connect radio ‘Phase 2’ implementation a number of changes were made to safety critical procedures. The most notable of these was authority to pass a semi-automatic signals using secure radio communications. There were many publications, notices and briefings pertaining to the new procedure.

In a way, there was a poor relation, a new procedure that was somewhat overshadowed: wrong direction moves!

In Rule Book 5 (page 6) drivers will find instructions for the new procedure, pre-secure radio, running along side instructions for the old procedure, post secure radio. Here lies the first problem: as the two procedures are written side by side, and over a lengthy ten pages, this could easily lead to confusion when performing this procedure. The last thing we need when moving our train in the wrong direction in any confusion.

Our second concern with the new procedure is the lack of involvement of the Station Supervisor: this used to act as a prompt to the driver to cut out the leading trip-cock and associated equipment and to also establish the parameters of the move; the most important aspect of this procedure.

The driver now has to rely upon coming to a clear understanding with the controller via secure radio as to the extent of the move in question.

The RMT Safety Council has requested a meeting with Operational Standards with a view to simplifying the Rule Book instruction and making it more reader friendly. More literature is also needed for drivers.

In the meantime, drivers are asked to show extra caution and establish exactly with the controller what their roles and responsibilities are in the unlikely event that they are asked to perform a wrong direction move. If you have any problems contact your local RMT Safety Representative.