LUL Trains

News, reports and information for London Underground train drivers


Detraining On Your Own - Proposed Rule Change

A proposed change to the rule book, dated the end of last year, suggests that train operators could detrain on their own if a train is stalled without communications in a tunnel for more than half an hour.

The proposal document details how you should walk ahead of the customers making efforts to ensure they are all following and get them to pass on information amongst themselves about trip hazards. At points using telephone wires to turn of traction current. When you get to the next station get staff assistance if this is possible. This would suggest that it may not be possible to find staff at a section 12 station.

Download the full document to make up your own mind about whether it is safe and what it means for the future of staffing levels on stations were it to be implemented.

LOROL 378 Unit Train Headlights

There have been a number of concerns raised recently regarding the new 378 LOROL train stock LED headlight.
These high density beams may shine directly into driver’s eyes due to the differing heights of our trains compared to the LOROL units.
Any drivers experiencing any problems please contact your local H&S reps with details of time, date, train numbers and place of incident.
Any problems should also be reported to the Wembley signaller via connect radio, if they answer.

RMT and ASLEF reps say: Stations job cuts affect train drivers

posterClick '1 attachment' / file name to download a poster with quotes from RMT and ASLEF representatives, showing that despite London Underground's claims, the plans to cut stations jobs do affect train drivers.

Please distribute this as widely as possible to drivers. Other grades - especially station staff - will also be pleased to see this evidence that drivers' union reps understand the impact of the job cuts and oppose them.

Brixton News 30th March 2010

RMT at Brixton depot has produced a new newsletter for drivers. You can read the text below, or click '1 attachment'/file name to download and print it.

Sacking of Drivers

Over the past couple of months there have been several issues including London underground sacking drivers. We at Brixton have had two this year. One of the issues is a said 96% attendance standard. There is no such figure anywhere. If asked to sign any documents stating any attendance percentage targets, do not! Speak to your union rep.

Plan to Cut Block Training to 3 Days

Senior train operators will recall a time when LUL took their training seriously. With sole responsibility for several hundred passengers, often in inaccessible locations, it’s essential that a driver knows how to take remedial action to get a train moving should it become defective. Likewise, drivers need to know and understand the rules and regulations that help make the underground system operate safely.

The Bakerloo Line Hokey Cokey

Great headline. Crap idea.
In an unprecedented show of common sense, the higher echelons of Team Bakerloo have finally voted off this ridiculous notion of cutting the High Tone Whistle in /out in / out etc etc when entering/leaving the depot at Stonebridge Park.
The 137 decibels this whistles generates is enough to deafen the poor old workers it’s meant to protect.

'RMT Up Front': LU’s attack on station staffing levels is an attack on all grades

Click '1 attachment' / file name to download the latest issue of 'RMT Up Front', our newsletter produced by and for London Underground drivers.

Read the text below ...


London Underground has just announced their intention of slashing hundreds of station staff jobs. LU is looking to cut station numbers to the bare minimum at many locations.

Overtime Improvements on the Bakerloo!

T/Ops on the Bakerloo Line could not believe their luck, when in an all too rare show of altruism, management swept away the existing way of booking overtime and brought in a new improved system.

Openly weeping with joy an Bakerloo T/Op told us:

"The previous system was bonkers, and now thanks to Bakerloo management we don't have to endure the drudgery of - finishing late - picking up a phone and informing the desk DMT - then hanging up."

A Bakerloo manager informed us: