LUL Trains

News, reports and information for London Underground train drivers


Ten Reasons Why Drivers Should Vote YES-YES to Save Jobs

Read the ten reasons below. Click '1 attachment' / file name to download a special issue of 'RMT London Calling' for London Underground drivers.

1. Because management want to take risks with our safety by cutting jobs to save money. They are trying to change our procedures so we have to deal with incidents alone, without help from station staff. This will leave us vulnerable both to accidents and assaults, and to disciplinary action if anything goes wrong.

RMT slams 'lethal and unworkable' Tory plan to axe all tube drivers and operators in a dash for cuts

TUBE UNION RMT tonight condemned “lethal and unworkable” plans leaked to the BBC from within the GLA Tory Group to axe all train drivers and operators on London Underground and to move the entire tube system to a driverless operation.

The leaked report, confirmed as being under discussion by the GLA Tories and which London Tory Mayor Boris Johnson is aware of, recommends sacking all of the 3,525 train drivers and operators estimating that it could result in savings of £141 million per annum.

London Assembly Tories' Plan For The Tube Without Train Drivers

The Conservative group on the London Assembly have sent a memo to Mayor Boris Johnson detailing how they believe an underground system without drivers would provide a world class mass transit system.

The conservative group believe the underground would be better with an increased number of faster trains, more customers but less staff (sound familiar?). They claim that the acquisition of Tube Lines by London Underground is the perfect time to ditch drivers.

RMT Up Front - June issue

Click on the attachment to download the latest issue of RMT Up Front.

Articles follow...


Fitness for work does not seem to bother London Underground these days. Whether you are fit doesn’t matter, management are now medically terminating you at a case conference there and then even if you are at work doing your job. In one case that happened only a few weeks ago, the driver came to work and booked on ready to do her duty, then went in for a normal case conference and within an hour and half of that case conference she had been medically terminated there and then.

Notice to all Bakerloo Drivers

Issa Kanu was off sick from 8th of August 2009 to 27th of November 2009 with depression but returned to alternative duties following a case conference.
Issa has been back at work for the last 6 months.
Following a visit to Occupational Health on the morning of Thursday May 20th 2010, Issa was declared fit to return to normal train operating duties by the company doctor.
At a case conference on the afternoon of Thursday 20th of May Issa was sacked by his Train Operations Manager.

RMT Blasts Mayor’s “Transport Strategy” As A Smokescreen For Job Cuts

RMT blasts Mayor’s “transport strategy” as a smokescreen for job cuts, ticket office closures and attacks on safety standards

TUBE UNION RMT today blasted London Tory Mayor Boris Johnson for throwing up a smokescreen under the guise of a “Transport Strategy”, designed to deflect attention away from his multi-billion transport cuts package that threatens thousands of jobs, ticket office closures across the Capital and a systematic undermining of current safety standards.

Train Grades Meeting

This year's Train Grades AGM will be held at Unity House on Thursday 29th April from 14:30 to 16:00

Please try and attend, we need as many Reps and Members there as possible to make it a good meeting, and also to get a good turn out for the election of Officers and a Chair and Secretary for this committee.

See you there

Will Reid Trains Functional Council Rep 2nd Floor , Room 19 70 Old Broad Street London EC2M 1QS Auto:49931 Landline02070279931 Mobile: 07889089064

RMT Condemns “Death Trap” Proposals For Tube As Part Of Tory Mayor Boris Johnson’s Cuts Plan

TUBE UNION RMT today slammed proposed changes to London Underground train operations that the union has warned would turn station platforms into “death traps.”

Proposals submitted to RMT safety reps at the Trains Health and Safety Council (THSC), and titled the Operation Effectiveness Programme (OEP), would involve:

  • Detraining in a tunnel on your own.
  • departing Category A platforms alone with defective OPO equiptment.
  • Notching back into platforms after an overrun.

OEP: Attack on Drivers' Safety

From Steve Hedley, RMT Regional Organiser:

If anyone has bought into the management propaganda that the 800 station staff job cuts will not affect drivers, the management's latest attack on safety should shatter their illusions.

LUL has put forward a raft of proposals which will compromise the safety of drivers and passengers alike, and are trying to steamroller them through in order to do away with the need for station staff.

Managements new 'Operational Effectiveness Programme' seeks to: