Political representation

Ensuring that workers' voice is heard in politics

Letter to Labour candidates - and some replies

As requested by RMT's campaign committee, I wrote the following letter to Labour Parliamentary candidates in and around London (or at least, the ones I could find email addresses for!):

As you may know, London Underground, under the leadership of Tory Mayor Boris Johnson, plans to cut 800 station staff jobs, and to severely cut ticket office opening hours.

RMT and London Underground's other trade unions strongly oppose this plan, as we believe it will: - endanger passengers - reduce customer service

TUSC Election Campaigning

The RMT is supporting Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition candidates in the general election. To make sure there are the best votes possible – and also to discuss with as many people as possible about the need for a working class alternative to all the main parties – we are asking all RMT members in London to help out in the last two weekends of the election campaigns. There will be leafleting, stalls, and canvassing.

To help in Walthamstow for Nancy Taaffe contact sarahsachseldridge@socialistparty.org.uk

To help in Greenwich with Onay Kasab contact onaykasab162@yahoo.co.uk

Resolution: Appeal against decision on election candidate

This resolution, submitted by Stratford no.1 and seconded by TfL no.1 branch, was carried by the April meeting of the Regional Council ...

This Regional Council appeals against the Council of Executives' decision to reject our unanimously-agreed request for support for Jill Mountford, Workers' Liberty candidate for the Camberwell and Peckham constituency in the General Election.

Resolution: Support for Ian Page, Onay Kasab and Jill Mountford

The Regional Council AGM passed the following resolution, composited from resolutions and amendments from Camden 3, Neasden and Stratford no.1 branches ...

This Regional Council applauds Bob Crow and those officials and members of RMT who have pledged their personal support to the Trade Unionists and Socialist Coalition at the next general election.

Resolution: Support for Ian Page, TUSC

The following resolution, submitted by Neasden branch, was composited with other resolutions and passed at the February meeting of the Regional Council ...

This regional council applauds Bob Crow and those officials and members of RMT who have pledged their personal support to the Trade Unionists and Socialist Coalition at the next general election.

Resolution: Election Candidates

The Regional Council Executive submits the following resolution to the February meeting of the Regional Council.

This Executive Committee suggests that the LTRC organises a Special Meeting to discuss the standing of candidates, in any forthcoming Council/General Elections, under the umbrella of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition. Branches should be asked to submit the names of any candidates who may want to stand.

Resolution: Diane Abbott MP

The Regional Council Executive endorsed this resolution on behalf of the Regional Council at its meeting on 9 February 2010.

This Regional Council has been informed that Diane Abbot MP supported the former Mayor Ken Livingstone’s policy to privatise the East London Line. Also she did not sign the Early Day Motion regarding the issue.

If this is true then Ms Abbot has broken the policy of this union and the principles of our Parliamentary Group.

RMT Organise Conference On Crisis in Working Class Political Representation

In an important initiative aimed at shifting the political debate away from the cuts and pro-business agenda of the three main parties, transport union RMT is convening a conference on the “Crisis in Working Class Representation” in London on Saturday, 7th November 2009.