RMT Accepts 4 Year Pay Deal and will Return to Issue of Working Hours ASAP

A discussion between RMT IR and H&S staff side secretaries/leads took place this morning. Following this meeting the NEC discussed LUL's current 4-Year pay offer. The NEC has instructed the General Secretary to inform LUL that we accept the offer. London Underground has repeated that they remain committed to reviewing working hours and we will return to this issue ASAP.

Urgent notice: Letters from Management

RMT London Transport Regional Council Disabled Members Covid-19 Bulletin no.2

also attached as PDF and Word files

A reminder:

TfL and London Underground Ltd have confirmed that if you are staying away from work in line with government health advice, the company supports you in doing that and you will not lose pay or suffer any detriment.

This includes staying away from work if:

Delivery of RMT Services during the Global Health Crisis

Dear colleagues,

The RMT continues to be committed to providing its full range of services and benefits to our members. In response to the global health crisis it has been necessary to make some difficult decisions regarding the delivery of the service in order to protect our members, lay officials, staff and officers.

Following the meeting of the National Executive Committee on 17th March 2020, the broad approach to the measures we will be implementing was outlined in Circular No. MF/27/20 distributed on 17th March 2020 and is available to members online.

National Executive Committee sets out measures to be taken during Coronavirus crisis

17th March 2020 

Dear Colleague,

Covid 19 - RMT Update 
With reference to the above, a Special Meeting of the NEC was convened today and the following decisions have been made which I will ask that you read carefully. I can also advise that the attached list of key concerns have been relayed to the government following a telephone conference with government officials and I will also keep you advised of developments in this area. 

Covid 19 - We will provide an essential service but we must be protected & respected

ABM Cleaners Victory

Winning sick pay at the full shift rate for ABM cleaners isolating or sick with Covid 19 is an important safeguard for those members and for everyone working on our tube network. But there are other sub-contractors and self-employed workers working on the tube network and they need the same protection.

When RMT met LUL directors on 16/3/20 we put a number of demands to them. This included the need for sick pay for cleaners but also many other points.