Coronovirus: Is privatisation of Tube cleaning compromising passenger safety?

RMT says London Mayor’s coronavirus transport cleaning announcement is completely inadequate

TUBE UNION RMT says that the London Mayor’s coronavirus transport cleaning announcement today is completely inadequate and calls into question the decision to privatise tube cleaning.

Responding to Mayor Sadiq Khan’s statement, RMT General Mick Cash said:

“The New York subway, where cleaning is done by directly employed staff in the public sector, will be deep-cleaned every three days, according to a recent announcement.

Tube pay dispute ballot begins today

strike flag

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed that a ballot of 10,000 staff across London Underground for both strike action and action short of a strike will open today after more than a year of negotiations have failed to produce an offer on pay that meets the very reasonable demands of the workforce. The ballot will conclude on the 31st March.

Ezra Christian Sacked Unfairly

Train Operator Ezra Christian Sacked


Bakerloo Line Management have today dismissed Ezra over an incident which should have been dealt with by a corrective action plan. 

The RMT Bakerloo Line  branch will support Ezra in every way possible. 


March against racism

21 March is United Nations Anti-Racism Day. Stand Up to Racism, to which RMT is affiliated, are organising demonstrations in London and Glasgow to mark this day and to protest at the rise of mass support for racist and fascist forces worldwide.

The Glasgow demo is titled ‘March against Racist Johnson’ and is supported by unions from across Scotland. It will begin at 11am in St George’s Square.

The London demo is titled ‘March against Racism’ and will set off from Portland Place, London W1A at noon.

RMT sets out list of demands to employers across the transport sector as Coronavirus spreads

TRANSPORT UNION RMT has today written to employers across the industry setting out a list of core demands designed to protect the safety of both staff and the public as well as the rights and livelihoods of the transport workforce. 
The union has also written to the UK Government, the Scottish and Welsh Governments and the Mayor of London, who are all responsible for overseeing transport services, asking that they support these demands. 
The letter covers the following areas:

Jubilee South News March 2020

Jubilee South News is the monthly newsletter for workers on the jubilee line,  produced by Jubilee South branch activists.

In this edition:

  • Pay dispute ballot begins 
  • Join the fight for better pay and conditions. Vote YES!
  • Pay ballot begins on 6th of March 
  • RMT calls on London mayor to bring Tube cleaners in-house
  • Track Noise Ballot
  • 21 days of anti-racism
  • Justice for Station Staff Campaign

 Please download it and distribute in your workplace.