New leaflet: Vote Yes for strike action on pay & conditions

The NEC has taken the decision to ballot all LUL members over pay & conditions.

We will not accept an either/or offer that asks us to chose between protecting our pay or addressing fatigue and working hours.

Please circulate this new leaflet. There are printed copies available at Unity House from Thursday 5 March. Please ensure every workplace has copies in the mess rooms and on notice boards.

21 days of anti-racism

RMT London Transport Regional Council’s Black Solidarity Committee is organising 21 days of anti-racism events and activities.

Download the attached poster and agenda to learn more. You can also print and display it in your workplace.

In the press: RMT calls ballot over tube pay dispute

As the majority union on London Underground, when we announced our pay ballot, it made headlines across the country:

BBC - London Tube workers balloted over strikes in pay row

Thousands of Tube workers are set to be balloted for strikes in a long-running dispute over pay.

A ballot of 10,000 London Underground (LU) staff has been moved by the Rail, Maritime and Transport (RMT) union after more than a year of negotiations.

RMT calls on London mayor Sadiq Khan to bring Tube cleaners in-house

Pressure is growing on London’s Labour Mayor to commit to ending the privatisation of Underground cleaning as RMT received a statement of support from the Labour Group in the London Assembly.

The statement from Len Duvall AM, leader of the Labour Group, pledges the Labour AMs’ support for ‘action to secure better working conditions and job security for cleaners on the London Underground, as well as making the case for bringing cleaners in-house as a viable option for a new contract in 2022’.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said,

Tube staff to be balloted in fight for improved pay offer

strike flag

RMT moves to ballot all tube staff over failure of London Underground to come up with acceptable pay offer.

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today this it is moving to an urgent ballot of 10,000 staff across London Underground for both strike action and action short of a strike after more than a year of negotiations have failed to produce an offer on pay that meets the very reasonable demands of the workforce.

Bakerloo drivers' strike goes ahead on Friday

RMT strike action on Bakerloo Line goes ahead Friday as LU refuse serious talks

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that strike action on the Bakerloo line in a dispute over the impact on train drivers over unworkable timetable changes that place operators under intolerable levels of personal stress will go ahead as planned from lunchtime on Friday after tube bosses slammed the door on serious talks aimed at reaching a solution.