Bakerloo News: all out to win a workable timetable

  • Please download the two attached editions Bakerloo News to read the latest about the upcoming Bakerloo Line strike

Our ballot returned a 95% majority for taking industrial action. At the heart of this dispute, and what most people believe to be the problem with our timetables, are the turnaround times in the North Sheds at Queen’s Park. These turnaround times have been cut to the bone over the past couple of years. The RMT have demanded that these are improved. This in turn would require moredrivers. This in turn would make our working day bearable.

No job cuts on Sodexo!

  • Please download the attached newsletter

London Underground has re-tendered the contract to provide catering services at staff canteens to Sodexo, until 2023. The contract tendering process included an explicit request from LU to deliver “efficiency savings”. This means: job cuts.

Sodexo plans to cut a number of jobs across the contract, at every location, equivalent to 18 full-time positions. RMT opposes these cuts. We are fighting to ensure no Sodexo worker loses their job, has their hours cut, or loses any money.

RMT National Black & Ethnic Members’ Advisory Committee T-shirts for 2020 Conference

RMT National Black & Ethnic Members’ Advisory Committee have specially commissioned logo’d T-shirts to be allocated to delegates at their 2020 conference taking place at Liverpool’s Hilton city centre 24 & 25 March.

To order your t-shirt, please email the Black & Ethnic Members’ Chair Glen Hart with your name, branch and t-shirt size.

Get details on the conference here


RMT to reballot on excessive track noise

- please download the attached leaflet and display it in relevant depots.

Members on the Northern, Jubilee, Central and Victoria lines are currently receiving ballot papers relating to excessive track noise.

The ballot will be conducted on a line by line basis. This ballot has been forced upon us in response to the TU Act 2016 which exhausts ballot mandates after 6 months, meaning that the resounding yes vote mandate that was returned last year would expire in March.