Bakerloo News: Fight for free trade unions!

The Tory government elected on 12 December has announced plans to ban all-out strikes in the transport industry. They plan to introduce new laws that would impose a “minimum service
requirement” during transport strikes. Although the detail of how this would work has yet to be drawn up, in other countries where such laws exist, they usually mean that unions and employers agree between them that a certain number of workers will work through a strike to guarantee the minimum service level is met.

Justice for Ezra


Justice for Ezra

Attached is a leaflet outlining the injustice Bakerloo Train Operator Ezra Christian is facing at the hands of a management who have no sense of the human effect of their actions. Whilst management woefully disregard agreements and commitments in order to push for the toughest penalties, they should be in no doubt that the union will defend its members in every way possible.

Transformation: RMT seeks legal opinion on "maternity leave and organisational change"

That we note the resolution from our London Transport Regional Council regarding the unacceptable and fundamentally sexist and disadvantaging treatment of women
employees going through the company’s Transformation process while on Maternity leave.

We instruct the General Secretary to take the matter up with the company through the Machinery of Negotiations without delay; and seek a legal opinion on London Underground Ltd and Transport for London’s application of maternity leave and organisational change.

Members to be advised by email & text.

Tube bosses plan "offers nothing to station grades suffering from threats and violence at work"


The following resolution was submitted for consideration to your National Executive Committee by both our Neasden Branch and the London Transport Regional Council:

“Neasden Branch notes the resolution passed by the LTRC calling for a combine-wide ballot of station grades over London Underground's failure to properly address the issue of workplace violence.

Pic & Dic branch passes motion in support of terminated driver


I advised you in a previous circular that our Finsbury Park Branch had submitted a resolution on the dismissal of our member calling for a ballot of our Cockfosters and Arnos Grove driver members (Ref: IR/465/19, 15th November 2019) to demand his reinstatement.

I can now advise you that our Piccadilly and District West Branch has submitted a similar resolution in defence of our member and calling on your National Executive Committee to also ballot driver members at Northfields and Acton Town depots.

RMT commits to win justice for ABM Tube cleaners


That we note the resolve from our Finsbury Park Branch and London Transport Regional Council; and this NEC commits this union to defend, progress and win justice for our ABM Tube Cleaners using all means organisational, industrial, political, financial, propaganda and media.

London Transport Regional members to be advised by email & text.

RMT Cleaning Grades Committee, London Underground & TfL branches and the London Transport Region Council to be advised.