Urgent meeting called to discuss ‘TfL Work-Related Violence and Aggression Strategy' document


That we note that the company have produced and sent the union a document entitled ‘TfL Work-Related Violence and Aggression Strategy’.

We instruct the General Secretary to circulate the document to our Stations and Trains Tier 2 Safety Council Representatives and arrange an urgent meeting of our Stations and Trains Tier 2 Safety Council Representatives, Lead Officer, Senior Assistant General Secretary and members of the NEC in attendance.

Members to be advised by email & text.

What would a Labour government mean for your local school?

School cuts website - manifesto comparisons

Dear Colleague

The School Cuts website (https://schoolcuts.org.uk/ ), run by the education unions (NEU, ASCL, NAHT) has launched a new functionality which provides a factual comparison of what each of the main parties' manifesto pledges will mean for school funding.

You can search for the impact on the budgets of individual schools in your area and throughout the country.

Bakerloo News - December 2019

bakerloo branch banner

Bakerloo News is the monthly newsletter for workers on the Bakerloo Line, produced by RMT activists of the Bakerloo branch.

In this edition:

- Drivers: vote yes for action! Fight to scrap WTT44!
- Breakdown of industrial relations at Queen’s Park
- Cleaners fight continues
- RMT Bakerloo: fighting for every member

Please download the newsletter and distribute it in your workplace and share it online.

RMT Upfront: Tube Drivers' News Pay Special

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for tube drivers from the RMT. In this special edition we look at what the company has offered for drivers in their so called 'full and final' pay and conditions offer, and why the RMT has come to the decision that a ballot for industrial action is now required to enable us to push for a better, fairer offer.

Victoria Line action suspended

 22nd November 2019


Further to my circular IR/465/19 15th November 2019, your NEC considered a recent report from the lead officer as well as correspondence from LUL received following discussions held under the auspices of ACAS. Having considered the current position the NEC decided that we should discuss the issues most recently raised by our negotiating team through the machinery and that we should also consolidate our already gained commitments from LUL.

Conference Delegates Required

At our next Branch Meeting on Friday 13th December, we will be seeking delegates to represent us at the TUC Congress 2020, The RMT Disabled Members Conference, The RMT Black and Ethnic Minority Members Conference, The RMT LGBT+ Conference, and the TUC LGBT+ Conference.

If you are interested in attending any of these events then please attend the next Branch Meeting to nominate yourself, or if you cannot attend, ask your local Rep to nominate for you.

Bakerloo line drivers to be balloted over serious concerns about timetable


Our Industrial and Health and Safety representatives on the Bakerloo line have been raising serious concerns over the implementation of Working Timetable WT44/45 which has been in place since May 2019. We firmly believe this timetable is failing and is causing undue stress on Train Operator members.