RMT Tube pay dispute meeting rejects latest offer


"We instruct the General Secretary to provide all assistance in preparing a ballot matrix for a ballot of the entirety of our London Underground membership for a ballot for Industrial Action; which is to be completed with a target for the strike ballot ready to go by the end of November."

That we note the full and final offer from the company was discussed at an all LU Reps meeting last Thursday.

TFL executive earnings twenty times that of ABM Tube cleaner

As tube cleaners ballot for action RMT reveals they would have to work 20 years to earn a TfL executive’s annual pay packet.

As tube union RMT ballots Tube cleaners for industrial action for pay justice the union has revealed that an Underground cleaner would have to work for nearly 20 years to earn the £374,000 TfL’s highest executive makes in just one year, while it would take them 246 years to earn the £4.5 million the CEO of the US outsourcing company that employs them pulls in annually.

Stations Functional News: Fight Back on Stations

Violence against staff on LU stations is becoming a daily occurrence.

Lone working is not acceptable when our members face such high levels of risk of assault.

LU has refused to fill nearly 100 RCI posts and now management are talking about downgrading these jobs.

The running sore of CSA2 members being paid thousands of pounds less than others for doing the same job must be resolved.

Read the latest RMT News.

Bakerloo News November 2019

strike flag

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for Bakerloo Line workers and is produced by RMT activists.

In this edition:

  • Cleaners: vote yes for strikes!
  • Spikes versus netting?
  • Timetable saga drags on

Please download the attached document to read it and share it online or print it out and distribute it in your Bakerloo Line workplace.