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Members on the Northern, Jubilee, Central and Victoria lines are currently receiving ballot papers relating to excessive track noise.
The ballot will be conducted on a line by line basis. This ballot has been forced upon us in response to the TU Act 2016 which exhausts ballot mandates after 6 months, meaning that the resounding yes vote mandate that was returned last year would expire in March.
Members should be applauded for their stand in responding last year and forcing LU to address the issue of excessive track noise and its impact on Train Operators. In doing so LU were forced to;
- Find an additional £10 million to address track noise
- Reintroduce a parked up grinding machine at a cost of £2.5 million
- Put in place an enhanced programme of rail grinding
- Present proposals to remove PV track altogether from some locations
- Look to Introduce more suitable track fastening systems in future
- Look at alternative track set ups
- Ensure our reps are closely involved in monitoring noise
Whilst we appreciate that some progress has been made and welcome proposed longer term changes the reality is that the issue of excessive noise still exists and impacts on our Train Operators.
A further ballot mandate would enable this union to continue to pressure LU to remove excessive track noise as quickly as possible and ensure that current commitments to resolve this issue are adhered to.
In providing a resounding yes vote you will be reminding LU that the current level of noise, apart from short reductions following grinding, is unacceptable and that more urgency needs to be given to providing longer term mitigations.
If you have not received your ballot paper by Wednesday 19th February 2020 please contact the RMT Helpline on 0800 376 3706 and request a replacement voting paper or you can email Alternatively, you may wish to contact RMT Head Office Reception on 0207 387 4771 and ask for the Industrial Relations Department.
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