TfL and London Underground announce plans to furlough some workers

Dear RMT members

Following on from my message yesterday, at the bottom of this message, I have attended both the LUL Company council and Tfl Company council this afternoon.

Both employers have told us that to assist with catastrophic loss of finances Tfl will make use of the Governments "Job Retention scheme"  which provides up Financial support to employers hit by the Coronavirus crisis.

TFL directors call emergency meeting due to Coronavirus catastrophic hit on finances

Dear RMT members

At 5pm today myself and NEC member Jared Wood attended a Tfl briefing by Directors on the impact of the Corona virus on revenue and finance in Tfl.

Tfl told us that they have been hit catastrophically by the loss of revenue and also are spending £600million every 4 weeks keeping Tfl operating.

Tfl have been in talks with the government on financial support and those negotiations are still in hand.

Emergency company councils have been called tomorrow.

Comparing other transport providers provision of Personal Protective Equiptment

Tier 2 continue to demand full and adequate P.P.E for station staff when dealing with the following circumstances:

- Attending emergency incidents, including PILOTs, evacuations, managing crowd control and managing the PTI. These are all situations where it may not be possible to achieve 2 metres social distancing

- A supply to be kept on stations for any member of staff that develops symptoms whilst in the workplace and who will need to travel home in order to self isolate.

Trains Functional Council Update, April 2020

Ad-Hoc COVID-19 Trains Functional Council Update, 14th of April 2019

  • Please display the attached poster in your train crew accommodation and share online amongst our 1700 tube train driver members.

Mileage guidance – the new LUL document on claiming car mileage payments was discussed. Staff side submitted a joint document asking for various changes, the main one being removing the £20 cap for drivers who have National Rail season tickets. Management will consider our proposals and respond.

Branch resolution calls for maximum of four day week for all operational staff to reduce exposure to Coronavirus

Jubilee South branch has unanimously passed a motion during calling for "London Underground put all full timers onto at maximum a four-day week, for as long as the lock down continues, with further reductions in hours made wherever possible as well." The resolution also states that "there should also be similar meaningful reduction in hours for those on part time contracts."

Coronavirus: RMT advice to members in rail industry


RMT have recently received a barrage of queries from both individual members and from our elected representatives on what to expect from their employers with regard to Coronavirus – Covid 19 Pandemic, what protections are being put in place and how their health and safety is to be protected by the employers. This document is for all RMT members employed in the rail industry whatever their role.


Station Functional Council News: local arrangements to revise staff deployment

  • Please download the attached newsletter to read it. You can also print it out to distribute and display in your station.

RMT pressure, at both workplace and Functional level, has resulted in an agreement that all areas must implement local arrangements to revise staff deployment and shift allocation on the basis of emergency BNSs and the reduced service. 

Bakerloo branch passes motion on union response to coronavirus crisis

The following motion has been passed by Bakerloo branch.

Our Union is an Essential Service: Step Up, Don't Stand Down!

During the Covid-19 crisis, workers need strong unions more than ever. Many employers are placing workers in danger, with unsafe working practices and refusing to pay wages to people who stay away from work under government guidance. Workforces need collective action, workers need reps, reps need union support.