Zero chance of agreement to government plans to increase transport services on 11th May

RMT warns there is zero chance of agreement to government plans to increase transport services on 11th May in current climate as survey of 10,000 transport workers reveals widespread failings to protect key transport workers and passengers from COVID 19.

RMT blasts disgraceful and disgusting decision by ‎TFL to deny staff cleaning tube trains throughout the coronavirus crisis free travel

TUBE UNION RMT today blasted as disgraceful and disgusting a decision by Transport for London to deny tube cleaners, who have put themselves on the line throughout the Coronavirus crisis to keep essential workers moving, ‎the basic right to free travel.

RMT prepares to ballot drivers over impostiton of 'Covid-19' timetables

Dear colleague



Your union notes with alarm London Underground’s intention to impose duty rosters at train operator depots that will provide for a significant ramping up of the current emergency level of service on the Tube.

RMT in dispute with LUL over imposition of Train Operator Rosters

The NEC has this evening taken a decision to go into dispute with LUL over the imposition of rosters for train operators. Our reps and RO have managed to convince LUL to delay the actual working of the rosters for a week but the company still wants to assert that they are imposed from this Sunday. From Sunday 3/5/20 LUL expects our Train Operators to book on for the new duties.

Working to these imposed rosters would make social distancing impossible to guarantee.

The full decision can be downloaded here.


TFL furlough arrangements

Dear colleague


Your union has been in discussions with Transport for London as the company plans to introduce Furlough Arrangements where certain members of staff in TfL/LUL will be put on to the government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme.

The company has outlined that those currently being identified for the scheme would be staff whose work has ceased or reduced as a result of the current pandemic as well as those who are absent from work due to shielding or on long-term sickness absence.

RMT goes to ACAS over proposed 'unsafe and inappropriate' timetables

Dear RMT members in Train grades,

Following the universal rejection of Covid 19 Emergency duty schedules and LUL's threat to impose them next Sunday,we met at Director level yesterday and informed them that these schedules were fundamentally misconceived.

The proposed timetabled service was far too intense for purpose and the schedules were fundamentally unsafe and inappropriate.

RMT responds to press speculation over the reintroduction of transport services

RMT responds to press speculation over the reintroduction of transport services beyond the movement of essential workers.

General Secretary Mick Cash said

"No one has discussed any moves to begin restoring transport services with this trade union and the dates we have seen reported in the press look like pure speculation.

"Instead of secretive briefings to the media the Government should be talking to us as it is our members who are key to any phased increase in transport services when it is proven to us that it is safe to do so.

Jubilee News April 2020: bosses plan to impose a 4 minute train service

Tube bosses have announced plans to impose a 4 minute timetable on the Jubilee Line in a matter of days. At a time when we are risking our lives and that of our families to come to work; it is both unnecessary and an insult to us to expect us to operate such a high level of service throughout the day when trains are frequently empty.