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The NEC has this evening taken a decision to go into dispute with LUL over the imposition of rosters for train operators. Our reps and RO have managed to convince LUL to delay the actual working of the rosters for a week but the company still wants to assert that they are imposed from this Sunday. From Sunday 3/5/20 LUL expects our Train Operators to book on for the new duties.
Working to these imposed rosters would make social distancing impossible to guarantee.
The full decision can be downloaded here.
This issue has initially hit train operators but every member should be aware of what lies behind it.
The rosters that are being imposed will facilitate a major ramping up of the tube service. This comes as the national rail industry has been told to prepare for a return to a far more intensive timetable from Mid-May. It is clear that political considerations are being put before any rational scientific plan for lifting the current lockdown.
There have been no discussions with our union about these plans and no indication how, on earth, the job could be kept safe if usage rises significantly. Recent progress made in agreeing staffing arrangements on stations, in Fleet and Engineering and Service Control would all potentially unravel if LUL seeks to run the timetable associated with the imposed Train Operator rosters.
LUL claim they have no such plans but the imposition of these rosters says otherwise.
- Jared's blog
- 2383 reads