Bakerloo branch stands in solidarity with protesters against police brutality

The RMT Bakerloo Branch has passed a motion on the protests against police brutality across the US and internationally. The resolution highlights that the branch 'stand in solidarity with our BEM members against the racism they face in society' and calls for the union to offer international solidarity and to 'develop and support struggles for racial justice and equality in the workplace and wider society.'


RMT seeks protections regarding the impact of Covid-19 on BAME workers in the transport sector

TRANSPORT UNION RMT has written to industry bosses and safety regulators seeking answers and protections regarding the impact of Covid-19 on are Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) workers in the transport sector.

RMT has reminded employers that there is concrete data regarding the disproportionate impact of Covid-19 on BAME workers.

The union has raised a series of questions with transport bosses and safety regulators.

RMT calls for compulsory coronavirus protections


As increased rail service timetable comes into place today RMT calls for new compulsory Covid-19 protections for passengers and rail workers.
RAIL UNION RMT is calling for new compulsory protections for passengers and rail workers on trains as the increased rail service timetable comes into place today – Monday 18th May.

The protections are:

Disabled Workers: Discipline and Pressure to Return to Work

RMT London Transport Regional Council Disabled Members Covid-19 Bulletin no.4 – 19 May 2020

This is attached as a printable .docx and .pdf file.


The Advisory, Conciliatory and Arbitration Service (ACAS) makes clear that the law requires your employer not to discriminate against disabled workers by trying to unreasonably pressure you to return to work, or by unreasonably disciplining you for not going to work.

Crowded train and bus services are “categorically less safe”

TRANSPORT UNION RMT said today that crowded train, tube and bus services are “categorically less safe” and should not run unless two meter social distancing can be enforced.

The union said unless the government took urgent action to enforce two meter social distancing public transport would become a “turbo charged Covid -19 breeding ground” driving a new wave of infections. The warning has come as the Government begins it's back to work drive this week with a surge in passenger numbers expected on Monday morning.

Refusing unsafe work

The attached newsletter, from stations level 2 Industrial and Tier 2 Healrh and Safety reps contains information and advice on safety at work during the Coronavirus crisis.

- Please download and display in your station.

LU caves in to government demand to run full service

Don’t put yourself in danger to meet government targets
Tube staf could soon exposed to thousands of people every day. The failure to protect London Bus drivers from close contact with the public contributed to a terrible Covid 19 death-toll amongst these workers - 16 times higher than the rate of Covid deaths of NHS staf. TfL may be refusing to learn from their failure to close the front doors but RMT will not stand by and allow members on LUL/TFL to be exposed to unacceptable risk.