Arrangements For Saturday's TUC Demonstration In London

Preparing for the march
We recommend that you bring some food and a bottle of water although there will also be many shops and cafes open on the route. Be prepared for a long day with appropriate clothing for the changeable weather. Hyde Park tends to get very muddy with a lot of people on the site.

On your arrival
Please head to Victoria Embankment for 11am and look out for RMT stewards near Temple Tube Station.

Nearest Tube stations
Temple tube (which is likely to be closed as the area gets busy)
Embankment tube

Bob Crow on BBC Radio Four Show, 'Any Questions?' Tonight

General Secretary Bob Crow will be appearing on the BBC Radio four show Any Questions? tonight, Friday October 19th at 20.00 hours.

Jonathan Dimbleby will be chairing a discussion of news and politics from St Alkmund's Church, Shrewsbury in Shropshire. In addition to Bob other guests include Sally Bercow, Nigel Farage from UKIP and Stephan Shakespeare from the polling company Yougov.

Demonstration: 25th Anniversary Of The King's Cross Fire

From General Secretary Bob Crow

RMT will be demonstrating outside Kings Cross station on Sunday 18th November at 11.00 to commemorate the fire and to highlight the continued need for a fully staffed and safe tube network.

This demonstration is especially important in light of the LUL documents which have been seen by your Union, which plan an unattended network including automated trains and would necessitate the ripping up of the safety regulations, including minimum staffing levels, which came about in response to the tragedy.

RMT To Push For Free Travel on Cable Car And River Boats for All London Transport Workers

We welcome the resolution from our East Ham branch and agree that all staff working for TfL and its
subsidiaries, franchisees and contractors should be granted free travel on all its services - including the
cable car and riverboat services - for themselves and a nominee. We instruct the General Secretary to
write to Transport for London accordingly, requesting a meeting to discuss this.

We also instruct the General Secretary to place in front of us a report on the prospects of an RMT recruitment and organising campaign on the Emirates Airline Cable Car.

Tube Lines Members To Strike Again In Fight For A Decent Pension

This action has been altered - the latest strike details are here.

We note the correspondence giving the views of the strike committee formed by our Tube Lines reps.

In line with this, we instruct our Tube Lines members to take industrial action as follows:

  • Not to book on for any shift starting on or after 06:00 on Friday 2 November, resuming to shifts starting after 05:59 on Saturday 3 November.
  • Not to work overtime at any time on Saturday 3 November.

Malicious Complaint Against Jeff Watson, RMT Health & Safety Representative At London Underground

We welcome the resolution from our East Ham branch and share its concerns about the treatment of
our representative.

We instruct the General Secretary to ensure that Brother Watson received the full support of this union,
and to obtain a detailed report on the progress of the case.

We further instruct the General Secretary to ensure that LUL’s current review of its bullying and
harassment procedure considers lessons that can be learned from this case before the new procedure is
agreed at Company Council.

Joint RMT Aslef meeting for Bakerloo drivers Monday 22nd October

A Directors meeting took place on Wednesday 17th of October to discuss London Underground procedures following the near fatality of a 12 year old boy. Management stated that they were not prepared to ensure that trains were manually detrained prior to going into the sidings at Queens Park. They said that they would wait for the outcome of an Inquiry that is taking place but that will not report for months.

RMT To Meet With London Underground To Demand Assurances That Driverless Train Plans Will Cease

We note the resolutions from our London Transport Regional Council, and reiterate this union's complete opposition to driverless trains.

The main request of these resolutions – to ballot our test train and potentially other, drivers for industrial action – was dealt with by our decision of 25 September in response to a resolution from our LU Fleet branch.

Sign The E-petition Against Cuts To Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme

You can sign this very important petition here.

From General Secretary Bob Crow
Despite the successful efforts of the Union and the RMT Parliamentary Group in blocking the government’s previous attack on the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme, as suspected, the Tory millionaires and Lib Dem lickspittles have re-submitted plans to cut a quarter - £50 000 000 - from the CICS budget.