RMT LGBT Newsletter 'Standing Proud' autumn 2012

The latest edition of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender newsletter 'Standing Proud' is now available.

It has stories on recent meetings and events including our successful demonstration at the Zimbabwe embassy against anti - gay activities carried out by the Zimbabwean government, and also the motions passed at the recent LGBT Advisory committee.

Bob Crow To Speak At 'Stand Up For labour' Comedy Evening

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow will be speaking at the "Stand up for Labour" comedy evening in Chiswick on Sunday 21st of October.

The event will be held from 7.45pm in the George IV pub, 185 Chiswick High Road, London W4 2DR.

The night will feature comedy from Norman Lovett ('Holly' from Red Dwarf), Adam Bloom, Sir Ian Bowler MP, Paul Ricketts and the compere is Crispin Flintoff.

Urgent Action Needed As Ukraine Pushes Through Anti Gay Bill

The Ukrainian parliament could give final approval as soon as next week to an anti-gay law (8711) that aims to make LGBT people invisible. As the anti-gay lawmakers pushing this bill planned, there is little time for International rights activists to counter and take action to stop the bill.

We must act fast.

E-mail William Hague, The Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and urge him to act without delay and make an urgent public statement on his position.

Letter to William Hague

RMT To Provide Support To Taxi Members Harassed Over Display Of 'Identifier Tags' And To Assist London Taxi Driver Branch In Recruitment Plan

We note the meeting concerning this issue held on 20 September, and instruct the General Secretary to provide legal support to those taxi driver members who experience harassment arising from the display of identifier tags.

We further instruct the General Secretary to ensure that our London Taxi Drivers’ branch is provided with support and resources for its forthcoming recruitment campaign, which will include coverage of RMT’s campaigning work and support for suburban (‘yellow badge’) taxi drivers and well as green badge drivers.

Defending London Underground Jobs & Conditions

We note the research information on file, and the views expressed by our representatives at our meeting on Monday 8 October. We instruct the General Secretary to publicise this information to members, in particular RMT’s recent submission to the GLA and our raising of this issue in Parliament through a question and Early Day Motion. We ask members to lobby their MPs to support this EDM.

Industrial Action On The Victoria Line Revised Following Developments

We note the views expressed by our representatives at our meeting on 8 October, and reaffirm the following industrial action, instructing our Victoria line driver members to:

  1. NOT to recognise the imposed sensitive edge door procedure and to work the previous safer instruction. i.e. go back to the carriage concerned and physically check the cause of activation.
  2. NOT to sign for the new Defective In Service Instruction (D.I.S.I.) handbook and not to recognise this as a condition of service and to work to the previous D.I.S.I. book.

RMT To Enhance Campaign Against 'Operational Effectiveness Programme'

We note the views expressed by our representatives held on Monday 8 October.

We therefore reaffirm our industrial action, and instruct the General Secretary to ensure:

  1. a renewed effort to promote and explain the action to drivers.
  2. regular updates from reps on developments.
  3. an up-to-date list of platforms with disputed categorisation is produced.
  4. our stations representatives produce publicity material for station staff, especially supervisors, on this issue and the union’s stance on it.

Any developments to be placed in front of us.

Tube Lines Representatives Will Not Agree Any New Rosters

We note the report from the Assistant General Secretary and in accordance with this, instruct our representatives not to agree any new rosters, and instruct our members to take industrial action as follows:

  • in the event that management attempt to impose a new roster, to refuse to co-operate with it and to continue to work to the existing roster.

A personal letter is to be sent to all members involved.

London Transport Regional Council, branches and Tube Lines representatives to be advised.

Tube Driver Action Prevents Potentially Lethal Incident With 12 Year Old Boy And Highlights Case For “detrainment” Staff

TUBE UNION RMT today praised the intervention of a Bakerloo Line tube driver which prevented a potential tragedy involving a 12 year old boy

The incident took place on Monday at 3.30 pm. The 12 year old boy was over-carried (on board the train after its final passenger stop) into the Queens Park sidings. Previously these trains used to be physically checked that they were empty prior to going into the sidings. RMT objected to the ending of detraining and said at the time that getting rid of detrainment staff was unsafe.