RMT Demands Scrapping Of Thameslink Siemens Deal Following West Coast Mainline Fiasco

RAIL UNION RMT today demanded that the Government call a halt to the 18 month long saga of the Siemens/Thameslink fleet contract after it emerged that it has been stitched together by the same group of Ministers and Government officials responsible for the collapse of the West Coast main line franchising deal.

RMT Educational Courses 2013

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

I am very pleased to confirm the RMT Education Centre will be opening the additional building development to the existing Education Centre on the 23rd November 2012. This additional facility effectively doubles our education and training support to our Unions members. To reflect this expanded facility I am attaching the 2013 education programmes for both of the teaching rooms now available at the RMT Education Centre in Doncaster. The programme again is a progression from 2012 and the Council of Executives remain committed to providing the best education and training support for our members and officials.

Resolutions Carried At London Transport Regional Meeting September 2012

Arrest of RMT Assistant General Secretary Steve Hedley
This Region condemns the outrageous treatment by the police of Brother Hedley on the picket line at Kings Cfross over the cleaners strike.
The state oppression and abuse of our members human rights is intolerable. The attacks on working class rights has gone too far and we need to fight back.
We therefore ask the GGC to support a complaint and legal action against the police and to publicise this gross injustice

Repealing the 'Social Care Act'
This region notes:

RMT Vows To Oppose EDL March Through Walthamstow And Builds On Anti-Racism Campaigning

A letter from London Transport Regional Council's Secretary John Reid, to all members

The racist EDL is threatening to march through the streets of Walthamstow on Saturday the 27th October. They were stopped in September and we vow to stop them again in October and whenever they rear their ugly heads.

The EDL claims to be non-racist and non-fascist, yet their numbers are made up of many of the same people who have previously been in the ranks of fascist and racist organisations.

Testing Of Driverless Trains

We note the report from our LT Regional Council train grades committee. We welcome the committee’s organising efforts, and instruct the General Secretary to offer assistance and resources.

We note the comments concerning which grades may be used to test driverless trains. We instruct the General Secretary to obtain a further, detailed report on this, and to ensure that membership data for all LUL train grades is accurate and up-to-date should we need to hold a ballot for industrial action.

RMT Opposes London Undergrounds New Social Media Policy

We instruct the General Secretary to write to London Underground immediately stressing that these guidelines are issued unilaterally by the company and are not agreed by this union. We oppose employers’ intrusion into our members’ private lives and time, and will defend our members against unjust disciplinary action taken against them by London Underground under the pretext of these guidelines.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

Northern Line Upgrade Training Information

Northern Line Training Latest from Trains Health And Safety Council

Local Reps met with Trains Health and Safety Council and Trains Functional Council representatives and RMT Head Office to formulate RMT concerns over training and delivery of any agreed training.

Training Course: That initial feedback be received in a positive manner to help improve and tailor the course to meet t/ops needs.

Scheduled for Tuesday 2nd Oct....... Update ASAP

Practical Training:

Petition For An Enquiry Into London Air Polution

A petition has been set up calling for a public enquiry into London's air pollution which it is claimed causes thousands of deaths each year. An enquiry could determine whether London's Mayor and TFL have failed to reduce air pollution levels. The petition claims that "every day thousands of Underground passengers and staff are exposed to vented street level pollution which exceeds healthy EU Air Quality levels. " You can sign the petition here. The petition was created by David Davies who writes:

Executive Equalities Report To London Transport Regional Council September 2012

From London Transport Region's Executive Member Janine Booth


RMT is running weekend courses at the Doncaster National Education Centre, as follows:
Women's training, 16-18 November and again in 2013
Black & Ethnic Minority training: early 2013
Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender training: mid 2013
The union also plans a week-long Equality At Work course.

RMT has developed a two-day Disability Awareness course, which will be offered to regions.