12 year old boy could have died at Queens Park Sidings. The Time has come to bring back detrainment staff on the Bakerloo.

Yesterday (October 8th 2012) at 3.30pm, only the quick intervention of a driver in the North Sheds at Queens Park prevented a 12 year old boy from getting hit by a moving train or killed on live 630 volt juice rails.

The boy was over–carried into the sidings at Queens Park and managed to shimmy up and over the ‘inner car barriers’ and out of the train. He could have killed himself as his means of exit from the train was directly going onto the live positive rail. He got out of the train into an area of 4 live running roads; it was only the actions of the driver that prevented a fatality.

Jubilee South Branch September Newsletter - March Against Austerity Special

On 20th October the RMT will be marching alongside many other trade unions, community groups and tens of thousands of ordinary people from every corner of the UK . This is because we believe that austerity is not working.

The RMT will be marching against wholesale job cuts, attacks on the welfare state and cuts in public services. The Government in the UK is not punishing the few in the banking and finance sectors who caused the global financial crisis, instead it is hitting hardest on the working classes and the poorest in society who had no part in causing the global financial crisis.

RMT up front October 2012

RMT Up Front Oct12Click on the attachment to see the latest issue of RMT Up front, the newsletter for RMT drivers on London Underground.

This issue leads on LU's proposals for driverless trains and the union's ballot for action of our test train operators, a report on TBTC working on the Northern Line, and a report on live safety issues from the Trains Health & Safety Council.

Bob Crow Explains Tube Lines Pensions And Travel Concessions Dispute As Members Take Industrial Action

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

I write to regarding those Tube Lines employees who are being denied access to TfL Pension Fund (TfLPF) and the same travel facilities as other TfL workers. As you will be aware earlier this year union members employed by Tube Lines were balloted for pension and travel equality and as a result returned a massive yes vote in support of industrial action.

it is clear that management are not going to move on pensions or address the claim in full on travel. I therefore wish to inform you that with effect from 17.30 hours Friday 5th October 2012 until 05.30 hours Monday 8th October 2012 that the RMT General Grades Committee has instructed Tube Lines members not to work any overtime.

RMT To Protest Against Violation Of LGBT Rights By Zimbabwean Government

The RMT is to hold a demonstration outside the Zimbabwean Embassy on Sunday 7th of October in response to ongoing violation of LGBt rights by the Zimbabwean government. We will also be handing in a protest letter which has been signed by General Secretary Bob Crow and 43 other RMT members.

If you are an RMT member and wish to have your name added please contact us

The protest letter, below, was written by the RMT's London Transport Region LGBT Officer.

Online Poll Calls For Cancellation Of Siemans Thameslink Fleet Deal And Award Of Contract To Bombardier

From General Secretary Bob Crow

Dear Colleagues,

The website Rail.Co are running an online poll on RMT’s demand that in light of West Coast Main Line fiasco the Thameslink Fleet deal with Siemens be cancelled and awarded to Bombardier in Derby

You can add your vote here.

As Tube Lines Cleaning Contract With ISS Nears End RMT Pushes For Cleaning Service To Be Brought In House

Noting that Tube Lines' cleaning contract with ISS expires on 31 March 2013, we resolve that the union will run a high-profile campaign for the contract to be brought in-house.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to:

  • produce a leaflet for both members and the public urging support for this
  • produce a petition (both printed and online) to Tube Lines' owner, TfL
  • organise leafleting sessions and protest actions
  • arrange a meeting with supportive GLA members and TfL Board members
  • raise this issue at the next meeting of our Parliamentary group

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow Reacts To West Coast Rail Franchise Fiasco

Reacting to government abandonment of west coast tendering RMT general secretary Bob Crow said;

"The whole sorry and expensive shambles of rail privatisation has been dragged into the spotlight this morning and instead of re-running this expensive circus, the West Coast route should be renationalised on a permanent basis. Those ministers who have presided over this fiasco should also be called to account.

Hero Tube Cleaner And Train Driver Saves Child's Life

A London Underground cleaner pulled a child to safety from a railway line just moments after a driver hit their trains emergency brakes and prevented what could have been a fatal incident.

The eight year old boy was pulled to safety from the Jubilee Line tracks at Stanmore just moments after a train was brought to an emergency stop by the driver a few feet away.

London Overground Safety And Security Staff Balloted For Strike Action In Bullying Dispute

TRANSPORT UNION RMT confirmed today that security and safety staff employed by STM Security Group on London Overground services will be balloted for both strike action and action short of a strike this week in a dispute over bullying and an attempt to impose new terms and conditions.

STM are contracted to provide safety and security services on London Overground stations.

Despite several warnings from RMT, management at STM Security Group have continued to bully and intimidate our Travel Safe Officer member’s and union representatives.