Executive Report To London Transport Regional Council September 2012

From London Transport Region's Executive Member Janine Booth

The agreed spheres of influence are attached on a separate sheet.

Council of Executives decision, 4 September:

We note the report from our Regional Organiser regarding spheres of influence of branches within London Transport region. We endorse the report and instruct the General Secretary to ensure its implementation.

TBTC Training On London Underground Northern Line

From Trains Functional Council

Just to update everyone on the Northern Line about what is happening regarding the training and i/o’s, there are lots of rumours regarding the working practice that may be asked of the i/o’s during TBTC training and the testing of TBTC area when it goes live at west finchley next february.

The RMT’s postion is clear on this, all IO’s must not be asked to breach their framework agreement in anyway
to facilitate this training.

Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme

From General Secretary Bob Crow

Further to Circular NP/082/12 dated 3 April 2012, I am pleased to inform you that last night the Government announced that it was withdrawing its plans to remove most injuries from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme. This follows intense lobbying by the Union, working with the RMT Parliamentary Group and the submissions put in by Thompsons Solicitors and John Hendy QC on our behalf.

March Against Austerity On October 20th With The RMT - Event Details

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

Reminder: Join the National Demonstrations against Austerity – 20th October 2012

There are just under four weeks to go before the national demonstrations against austerity on Saturday 20 October.

Join RMT colleagues in what promises to be a historic and enjoyable day of protest. Bring your family and friends and send a clear message that we are not prepared to accept the attacks on our jobs, services and communities.

A booklet explaining the reasons for the event is attached below

Tube Lines RMT Representatives Call For Further Industrial Action In Pension Dispute

We note the failure of the Joint Working Party to achieve our demands of pensions and travel equality, and the desire of our representatives to take further industrial action. This is in line with our previous decision of 27 July to call targeted, serious, sustained, effective and strategically-planned action, in pursuit of this dispute. Should Tube Lines continue to refuse our entirely justified demands, we are prepared to take further industrial action and to continue this campaign until we are successful.

RMT Reps To Organise Action Against London Undergrounds Apparent Preperation For Job Cuts

We note the reports from our representatives, which reveal a catalogue of measures from London Underground Ltd aimed at preparing the ground for job cuts.

These affect every grade of London Underground worker and underline the need for RMT to pursue a united, active and thought-out response, in order to defend our members’ jobs and London’s transport services.

RMT To Ballot For Action Over Driverless Tube

“RMT reiterates this union's complete opposition to driverless trains. Every train must have a driver, to ensure the safe and effective running of the Underground." - Bob Crow

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that it is to ballot for strike action and action short of a strike in a dispute over plans to rip up the safety rule book and begin the testing of driverless trains on London Underground.

Initially, RMT will be balloting all members who are test train drivers but the union has also made it clear that it will be looking at which other grades may be called upon to test-drive units with a view to balloting those staff as well.

RMT Secures Landmark Legal Victory For Victimised Members

Transport union RMT has hailed an employment tribunal ruling that bus company Arriva unlawfully discriminated against two employees because of their RMT membership.

Marcus Farr and Len Graves were harassed, disciplined and threatened with the sack by Arriva because they wore high visibility vests with the union logo on.

The tribunal ordered Arriva to pay the men compensation, including aggravated damages to Mr Graves, and to pay the union its legal costs.

RMT To Ballot Test Train Drivers For Industrial Action To Stop Tube Bosses Plans For A driverless Railway

We note the resolution from our LU Fleet branch, and reiterate this union's complete opposition to driverless trains. Every train must have a driver, to ensure the safe and effective running of the Underground. Plans to scrap drivers or reduce their driving duties are risking safety, services and jobs, motivated by saving money and undermining trade unionism.

We instruct the General Secretary to:

National Campaign For Justice For Cleaners In The Transport Industry

We note that RMT currently has at least eight ongoing disputes with cleaning employers with ‘live’ ballot mandates, with issues heading towards disputes in other companies as well. We aim to hold co-ordinated strike action to pursue these disputes, perhaps a 48-hour strike in October or November.

We instruct the General Secretary to obtain as a matter of urgency reports from all relevant lead officers as to the feasibility of this in the disputes with companies for which they have responsibility, and to place responses in front of us as they are received, and in any case within 21 days.