Tube Lines Members To Strike At Beginning Of November Over Pension & Passes Dispute

We note the correspondence giving the views of the strike committee formed by our Tube Lines reps.

In line with this, we instruct our Tube Lines members to take industrial action as follows:

  • Not to book on for any shift starting on or after 06:00 on Thursday 1 November, resuming to shifts starting after 05:59 on Friday 2 November.
  • Not to work overtime at any time between 06:00 on Thursday 1 November and 06:00 on Monday 5 November.

We instruct the General Secretary to:

  • send a personal letter by post to the members involved

Organisation, Recruitment And Retention: National Strategy For Justice For Cleaners In The Transport Industry

"We welcome the positive response so far to our call for nationally-coordinated industrial action of our current disputes with cleaning companies"

We welcome the positive response so far to our call for nationally-coordinated industrial action of our current disputes with cleaning companies.

We instruct the General Secretary to convene a meeting of GGC members with lead officers and representatives of the current disputes involving cleaners as soon as is practical, to discuss plans for co-ordinated industrial action in line with our previous decisions. A report of this meeting to be placed in front of the GGC promptly after the meeting.

RMT Has Serious Concerns Despite 2012 Pay Rise Offer From TFL Being Slightly Improved

We note the revised pay offer from Transport for London. Although this does contain some improvements on the original offer, RMT representatives continue to have serious concerns, including:

  • the maximum of 5% on next year’s pay rise, which sets a bad precedent and would leave our members facing a pay cut should RPI be higher than this;
  • the additional 0.5% for 2013 being dependant on acceptance of a new Performance- Related Pay scheme
  • that the 75% Rail Reimbursement Scheme continues to be renewed within pay deals rather than made permanent

Tube Lines Denies Plan To Test Driverless Trains On The Tube

“No plans in relation to preparing for the introduction of driverless train on London Underground” - Tube Lines

We note the correspondence from Tube Lines, stating that it has “no plans in relation to preparing for the introduction of driverless train on London Underground” and that “This is a matter for London Underground to determine”. We instruct the General Secretary to continue to press Tube Lines for information concerning its involvement in developing technology that may facilitate driverless trains or a reduction in the driver’s role.

RMT To Discuss Release Arrangements For 'Level 2' Reps In Various Grades

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, that in practice, our level 2 and tier 2 reps for stations and revenue control (10 reps) and trains (6 reps) have full-time release; we note that additionally, there is a full-time-release representative for Upgrades for trains and for service control. In all other functions – engineering, fleet, MATS, and service control – level 2 and tier 2 representatives are released on an “as and when basis” which can amount to nearly full-time release in practice in some, but not all, cases.

London Underground Bosses & RMT Reps To Meet To Discuss 'Driverless' Trains

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd, and instruct the General Secretary to arrange for the appropriate officer(s) and representative(s) to attend the meeting suggested by LUL.

We further instruct the General Secretary to draft a list of issues and demands that we will raise at this meeting, and to place these in front of the GGC in advance of the meeting.

Any developments to be placed in front of us.

London Transport Regional Council, branches and representatives to be advised.

Carlisle Members On DLR Vote Solidly For Industrial Action


That we note the ballot result for both strikes and action short of strikes is as follows:-

Total votes cast: 10

Number voting “Yes” : 10

Number voting “No” : 0

Spoilt Papers: 0

We congratulate our members on their 100% vote for action. We note that our Docklands Light Railway branch is to meet tomorrow, and that our lead officer is to meet with the employer. Reports of these two meetings are to be placed in front of us within seven days.

RMT Takes Forward Agency Workers' Campaign

We note the appointment of Brother Hogg as lead officer for RMT members employed through staffing agency.

We instruct the General Secretary to arrange a meeting at Unity House with the Assistant General Secretary, lead officer, General Grades Committee members and a nominated representative of each Regional Council to discuss the organisation of workers employed through A report of this meeting to be placed back in front of this General Grades Committee.

RMT to ballot drivers for safe detrainment procedure

The RMT General Grades Committee has agreed to ballot for action short of strike action driver members on the Bakerloo and Central Lines for a safe procedure for detraining passengers.

This follows a joint meeting of RMT and ASLEF members held on Monday 22nd of October to discuss the detrainment procedure on the Bakerloo Line. The meeting was addressed by RMT Regional Organiser Brian Whitehead and ASLEF executive member Terry Wilkinson.