Regional recruitment day



EC member Janine Booth, RO Brian Whitehead & Dave Marshall from org unit are coming along to kick off the SS grade defence campaign.

Come along and support this important event. All grades welcome.



• Next meeting 29/11/ 2012 1430 at the Exmouth Arms, Starcross St, NW1, nearest stn Euston/Euston sq
• Come along and hear your level 2/Tier 2 reps report back.
SS grade defence campaign
• All Revenue & Station Staff Welcome

RMT Young Members Camp London 19/10/12

RMT Young Members Camp

With Young members coming down to London from all over the UK for the TUC October the 20th demonstration- ‘A Future that Works’ the young members decided to set up a camp in the grounds of Maritime house, Clapham Common.

Young members are in the business of breaking down barriers which prevent young people getting involved in activities which are central to them. Our regional young member officers and your young member representatives on the national young members advisory committee had said that the biggest barrier to young member participating in the demo was the cost of accommodation in central London. So setting up a camp where young members could rock up, have a spot of dinner with like minded young people by a blazing camp fire and have a bed for the night for free made complete sense.

The legality of a 'general' strike, striking against the Condem Government

An interesting article from The Institute of Employment Rights on a topic which was much discussed at the Global Labour Institute Summer School 2012 which some RMT young members attended.

Days of Action:

"As the TUC opens its discussion for 2012, this IER Briefing from Keith Ewing and John Hendy argues that increased protest action against government austerity measures are defendable in Court with reference to the European Convention on Human Rights.

Resolutions Carried At London Transport Regional Meeting October 2012 - PMAs

This resolution was passed at the October LTRC meeting. The other motions passed can be found here.

A resolution has already been noted and passed in respect of PMA’s no longer being involved in "any" aspect of disciplinaries and that "disciplinaries" are postponed until a full investigation is carried out ref: official circular no: 437.

Resolutions Carried At London Transport Regional Meeting October 2012

These resolutions were passed at the October London Transport Regional Council Meeting.

Right to elect workplace representatives - Jubilee South Branch
This branch is disgusted with the attacks being made by management and the devious methods they are using to try not to recognise our rep for Stratford/North Greenwich depots.
Jason Moriarty, elected for this position by members of the branch, has refused to be recognised by LUL, despite him previously being the rep, and having had full recognition.

London Overground Safety Security Staff On Strike Today

TRANSPORT UNION RMT confirmed today that security and safety staff employed by STM Security Group on London Overground services will be taking both strike action and action short of a strike this Saturday in a dispute over bullying and an attempt to impose new terms and conditions. Spurs, Crystal Palace and West Ham all have home games on that day.

Following a unanimous vote for action in a ballot this month, management have been informed that RMT members will be ;

Executive Report To London Transport Regional Council October 2012

Each month our Executive Council Member Janine Booth reports to the Regional Council. This report as a synopsis and the full 'EC decisions' can be read here.

We've added some links to the report to explain some of the topics covered in more detail.

Remember branch meetings and the regional meeting are open to all members - this is where you can get involved and make a change in your union.

EC Report


Engineering Works Cancelled And Safety Fears Raised In Run Up To Tube Lines Pension Strike

A NEW wave of tube strike action and overtime bans has led to the cancellation of tens of millions of pounds worth of essential engineering works on the Northern Line this weekend and has raised new safety fears as the Emergency Response Unit join with fellow Tube Lines staff in support of a long-running dispute over pensions and benefits justice.

The action will take place as follows:

Tube Lines members are instructed not to book on for any turns of duty that commence between: -

0600 hours Thursday 1st November 2012 until 05.59 Friday 2nd November 2012.

Also members are instructed to refuse to work any over time from

0600 hours Thursday 1st November 2012 until 05.59 hours Monday 5th November 2012.

Solidarity Amongst Tube Lines Members In Industrial Action Leads To Cancellation Of Tube Engineering Works

From General Secretary Bob Crow

I refer to my previous letter of 26th October 2012, as a result the solidarity and determination you have shown in pursuing your claim to have the same pension and travel rights as other LUL workers, I wish to bring to your attention the effect your action is having on planned engineering work this coming week end 3rd and 4th November 2012.