Union Opposes All Job Cuts On London Underground And Across TfL

We note the resolution from our East Ham branch concerning job cuts, and that similar resolutions have been passed by several other branches.

We share the views of our branches, and affirm that this union opposes all job cuts on London Underground and across TfL. We instruct the General Secretary to ensure that this position is made clear in relevant union publications and public statements and in any meetings and correspondence with the employers.

RMT Reaffirms Determination To Resist Automation As An Attack On Jobs

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd.

LUL’s letter confirms our suspicions that it still intends to increase automation in order to attack jobs and conditions, and we reaffirm our determination to resist this.

We further note reports that some testing of technology to facilitate driverless trains may have taken place at Wembley during the first weekend of November. We instruct the General Secretary to obtain an urgent report on this, and to place it in front of us.

Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme Compensation Greatly Reduced

From General Secretary Bob Crow

Further to Circulars NP/269/12 and NP/279/12 dated 2ND and 8TH November 2012 ,you will be aware that the new CICA scheme was voted through on Monday evening in the House of Commons, in spite of opposition by the Labour Party and a campaign by this union and others and victims groups.

The new scheme:

removes injuries in bands 1-5 (£1,000 - £2,000)
significantly reduces (by approximately half) the tariffs in bands 6-12
removes injuries caused by suicide or attempted suicide from the scheme completely.

Further Strike Action As Tube Lines Members Continue Struggle For Fair Pension

We note the views of our representatives, and accordingly instruct our members to take strike action by not booking on for any duties starting on or after 06:00 on Friday 23 November, returning to duties starting on or after 06:00 on Saturday 24 November.

We instruct the General Secretary to send a personal letter by post to all members involved explaining this action and urging their full support, and to facilitate workplace visits by officers and representatives.

RMT Welcomes Use Of Boarding Ramps For Passengers With Mobility Impairments Wherever Sufficient Trained Staff Are Available For There Safe Usage

From General Secretary Bob Crow

The following resolution was passed by London Transport Regional Council;

“That our Union supports the continuing use of boarding ramps to enable access for mobility impaired passengers to London Undergrounds trains. We insist that this is properly risk assessed and that there are always adequate numbers of staff on every station to facilitate use of the ramps.”

The General Grades Committee met to consider the matter and made the following decision;