Carlisle Security Agree To Lengthen Strike Mandate As Discussion Continues

We note the report from our lead officer. The employer has indicated that it will agree to extend the deadline for calling industrial action by seven days, but has not yet sent the correct wording for this.

Should the correct wording be received from the employer, we instruct the General Secretary to place this item back in front of us within seven days, with a report of the meeting with the employer due to take place this Thursday, 15 November.

Should the correct wording not be received from the employer by Wednesday 14 November, we call industrial action as follows:

RMT To Step Up Campaign For London Taxi Scrappage Scheme

We note the work done to set up our campaign for a scrappage scheme for London taxis.

We resolve to step up this campaign, and therefore instruct the General Secretary to:

  1. produce a window sticker for display in taxis promoting this campaign
  2. liaise with our London Taxi Drivers’ branch to hold a protest
  3. ask members to lobby their MPs to support our Parliamentary group’s Early Day Motion on this issue
  4. pursue appropriate organisations that campaign on environmental and/or public
    transport issues, asking for their support for this demand

Government Refuse To Rule Out Return To Third Class Rail

RAIL UNION RMT warned today that as fare’s continue to ratchet up above inflation, and hundreds of millions of pounds are bled out of the system in private profits, the Government have refused to rule out a return to third class travel.

Third class travel was abolished on Britain’s railways in June 1956.

The scandal was revealed in Lords questions late last week:

“Railways: Third Class Travel

Lord Myners asked the Government whether invitations to bid for new rail franchises permit the introduction of a third passenger class.