Enormous RMT Success On Jubilee Line

Following the de-recognition of trains side rep Jason Moriarty the RMT has once again had fantastic success. Before the de recognition there was only one RMT train rep position for the east end of the Jubilee line, now there is TWO!

We now have

  • 1 Rep position at North Greenwich AND 1 Rep position at Stratford
  • 1 rep + 1 rep = 2 reps

There is an increase of RMT Train IR rep numbers from 33 to 34.

STM Security Group Travel Safe Officers Working On London Overground To Strike Over Bullying And Intimidation

Our Travel Safe Officer members and union representatives are being subjected to bullying and intimidation by STM Security Group (UK) Ltd. Despite several warnings from the union, management continue to subject our members to this appalling treatment.

The General Grades Committee has considered this matter and has taken the following decision:

  • taking strike action and not signing on for any shifts between 00:01 hours and 23:59 hours on Saturday 03rd November 2012.
  • and by way of action short of strike action to not do any overtime or shift changes for any shifts between 00:01 hours and 23:59 hours on Saturday 03rd November 2012.

RMT Demands Action Against Blacklisting Website Targeting Union Learning Reps

TRANSPORT UNION RMT today demanded action against a trade union blacklisting website which is actively targeting activists at all levels – even including volunteer union learning reps whose “crime” is helping colleagues acquire skills, training and education.

The blacklisting site - http://www.hrblacklist.com/static/view/about/ - makes no bones about its intentions. HR Blacklist is run by Human Resources Consulting and purports to “tell the truth about employees” – in reality it is an on-line successor to the Consulting Association and its anti-union blacklisting activities.

South East Region TUC RMT Delegates Report

SERTUC delegates report from RMT Rep Dean O'Hanlon

Comrades, I attended as a delegate yesterday on behalf of the Union and made some brief notes of issues raised.

Meeting started with a minutes silence for Ben Rickman, secretary of Brent Trades Council who died on 16th October.

President reiterated the people's charter and called for the Labour Party to make its tenets policy.

RMT Black And Ethnic Minority Members Newsletter October 2012

Check out the latest Black & Ethnic Minority members' newsletter. It has the dates for our next set of meetings, plus details of how RMT members can get nominated for our National Committee.

The Advisory Committee meets three times a year and its role is to advise the Council of Executives on issues relating to black and ethnic minority members.Items are submitted to the Advisory Committee by Branches and Regional Councils.The three-year term of office for members of the National Black and Ethnic Minority Members’ Advisory Committee finishes at the end of this year.

Nominations from Branches are currently being sought for delegates to serve on this Advisory Committee from January 2013 until December 2015. Please inform your Branch Secretary if you want to be nominated.

Retention of manual handling / operation skills on Automatic lines

For some time now RMT Trains Health & Safety Council (THSC) representatives have been seeking a process for the retention of manual handling / operation skills on automatic lines. With more lines moving to automatic operation it is vital that Train Operators retain their manual handling skills. These skills will be required during degraded working, or be it problems with your train, signalling or some other factor and also form part of your CMS.

Trains Reps 'Derecognition' Update

At the London Transport Regional council on 25 Oct the following emergency resolution from Jubilee South branch was put before the Region:

Right to elect workplace representatives
This branch is disgusted with the attacks being made by management and the devious methods they are using to try not to recognize our rep for Stratford/North Greenwich depots.

Jason Moriarty, elected for this position by members of the branch, has refused to be recognized by LUL despite him previously being the rep and having full recognition.