March Against Austerity

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RMT Members will be joining the March Against Austerity on October 20th. Read more at the <a href="">'A Future That Works'</a> website.

Inspiring Young Members- #oct20 A tale of two Cities

On October the 20th 2012, what were you doing?
I was at a protest holding a banner whilst trying to tweet- a pretty difficult thing to do!
RMT young members played a key role in organising for the demonstration against austerity and to promote all this hard work I was snapping the moment and sharing with the world. Little did I know I had gained a new follower all the way up in Scotland and he too was a RMT young member who had not been involved with the young members group but was at the Glasgow demo.

RMT Young Members Camp London 19/10/12

RMT Young Members Camp

With Young members coming down to London from all over the UK for the TUC October the 20th demonstration- ‘A Future that Works’ the young members decided to set up a camp in the grounds of Maritime house, Clapham Common.

Young members are in the business of breaking down barriers which prevent young people getting involved in activities which are central to them. Our regional young member officers and your young member representatives on the national young members advisory committee had said that the biggest barrier to young member participating in the demo was the cost of accommodation in central London. So setting up a camp where young members could rock up, have a spot of dinner with like minded young people by a blazing camp fire and have a bed for the night for free made complete sense.

Arrangements For Saturday's TUC Demonstration In London

Preparing for the march
We recommend that you bring some food and a bottle of water although there will also be many shops and cafes open on the route. Be prepared for a long day with appropriate clothing for the changeable weather. Hyde Park tends to get very muddy with a lot of people on the site.

On your arrival
Please head to Victoria Embankment for 11am and look out for RMT stewards near Temple Tube Station.

Nearest Tube stations
Temple tube (which is likely to be closed as the area gets busy)
Embankment tube

Jubilee South Branch September Newsletter - March Against Austerity Special

On 20th October the RMT will be marching alongside many other trade unions, community groups and tens of thousands of ordinary people from every corner of the UK . This is because we believe that austerity is not working.

The RMT will be marching against wholesale job cuts, attacks on the welfare state and cuts in public services. The Government in the UK is not punishing the few in the banking and finance sectors who caused the global financial crisis, instead it is hitting hardest on the working classes and the poorest in society who had no part in causing the global financial crisis.

March Against Austerity On October 20th With The RMT - Event Details

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

Reminder: Join the National Demonstrations against Austerity – 20th October 2012

There are just under four weeks to go before the national demonstrations against austerity on Saturday 20 October.

Join RMT colleagues in what promises to be a historic and enjoyable day of protest. Bring your family and friends and send a clear message that we are not prepared to accept the attacks on our jobs, services and communities.

A booklet explaining the reasons for the event is attached below

London Transport Region Executive Members Report To Executive Meeting

This is the report from our Executive Member Janine Booth to this month's Executive Council Meeting. We've added links to each report item to explain what they mean in some more detail.

To find out more attend your local branch, or the Regional or Executive meetings where these points can be discussed in detail, points raised or questions asked about them.


Reminder: Join The National Demonstrations Against Austerity – 20 October

There are just over ten weeks to go before the national demonstrations against austerity on Saturday 20th October.

Join RMT colleagues in what promises to be a historic and enjoyable day of protest. Bring your family and friends and send a clear message that we are not prepared to accept the attacks on our jobs, services and communities.

TUC Mass Demonstration – 20th October

The TUC is organising a mass demonstration in London under the banner of “A future that works” on October 20th this year. RMT will be participating fully in this mobilization, as part of our wider strategy of opposing the cuts.

It is essential that the RMT contingent is as large as possible in order to demonstrate the seriousness of our opposition to Government plans to slash jobs, pay, terms and conditions, employment rights, and pensions alongside the services we all use.