RMT in dispute with LU over uncovered duties

That we note the report from the Lead Officer regarding talks with the company; and that we have had no satisfactory undertaking that duties will be sufficiently covered. It actually appears to be the case that if they could get away with skeleton staffing all stations they would!

This breaching of their own policy and procedure creates undue stress on our members and puts them and the travelling public at risk’ representing a breakdown in trust between the company, their staff and this union.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to:

RMT names more strike action in defence of brother Bailey

21st November 2018


Further to my previous Circular (IR/463/18, 26th October 2018), the following two resolutions have been received from Central Line East Branch:-

“Following the outstanding show of solidarity on our last action on Nov 7th. The Central Line East Branch calls upon the NEC to name new strike action dates for Train Operators on both our industrial relations dispute and our Paul Bailey reinstatement dispute on the Central Line. We wish to strike as follows.

When is a Good Service not a Good Service?

RMT Reps have been fighting hard to ensure passengers are given clear and accurate service information and have directly requested that the TFL website more honestly reflects the state of the service.

When is a Good Service not a Good Service?

Answer: When it’s Part Suspended

Since Wednesday 14th November the Piccadilly Line has been suspended between Rayners Lane and Uxbridge with a greatly reduced Piccadilly Line service on the Uxbridge Branch. Frustratingly the TFL website has insisted on advertising a “Good Service”.