Resolution on Universal Credit
This resolution was submitted by Bakerloo branch and passed unanimously by RMT Disabled Members' Advisory Committee on 12 November.
We note that:
- in areas where Universal Credit has been in place for 12 months or more, food banks are four times as busy
- 40% of people in receipt of UC are in work, and are an average of £2,600 per year worse off
- the Child Poverty Action Group estimates that by 2022, a million children and 900,000 adults will have been driven into poverty by UC
- there has been a sharp increase in the number of claimants being sanctioned (having their benefits taken away), including disabled people who are not fit for work
- TUC Disabled Workers' Conference policy calling for Universal Credit to be stopped and scrapped
We believe that:
- Universal Credit is an attack on the welfare benefits system, and on the right of everyone - especially disabled people - to a decent standard of living
- opposition to UC is growing, including from disability activists and groups, forcing the Tory government onto the defensive on this issue
- working people and benefit claimants have shared interests, and we deplore right-wing efforts to turn us against each other We ask the union to actively support the campaign to stop and scrap Universal Credit.
- Janine's blog
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