Ditched £16m Tube project left stations unstaffed

Tube union RMT reveals £16 million cost of botched project which has left dozens of stations dangerous and unstaffed

Tube union RMT today revealed through an FOI request the astronomical waste of nearly £16 million on a system meant to enhance staff rostering but which has left dozens of LU stations dangerous and ‎unstaffed.

Why all tube workers should be in the RMT

The last two decades has seen enormous attacks on the pay, conditions and pensions of millions of workers. Pay freezes in the name of 'austerity', pension raids and terrible contracts have been the norm in many industries. Yet on the Tube we moved from a 40h week, via a 37.5h week to the present 35h week which, with banked hours gives us 52 days annual leave. Nearly every one of our annual pay rises in the last 20 years has been significantly above inflation and none below.

Bakerloo News October 2018

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for workers on the Bakerloo Line, produced by RMT activists.

In this edition:

  • RMT exposes scandal of unstaffed stations
  • Stations north of Queen’s Park left unstaffed three times per week or more
  • Drivers, station staff: prepare to take action to demand safe staffing!
  • South Group: cover the duties!
  • Vote Michelle Rodgers
  • Your branch meeting details

Please download and distribute the newsletter in your workplace, and share it online.

Sacked for Doing His Job - Warning to anyone who does LDIs

Please print the attached notice and share with all members


Anthony Codd has worked for LUL for over 35 years. He was a n Operational grade Q1A Duty Manager working in the Track Access Control Centre (TACC) before being, what we believe, unfairly summarily dismissed at a CDI in August 2018. 

An incident occurred back in January 2018, where a Track Access Controller (TAC) made an error that could have potentially endangered staff working on the track. This was, at the time, bought to the attention of Mr Codd who was the TACC Duty Manager on duty that night. 

Piccadilly Line bosses 'put nothing forward to resolve dispute'


That we note the request from the company to attend ACAS; but that they have put nothing forward to resolve this dispute.

The strike remains on; and we look forward to receiving a meaningful resolution from the company to be discussed at ACAS at the earliest opportunity from Monday.