Industrial action called in 'Train Prep' dispute


That we note the decision of the LU Fleet Branch meeting and their concerns around both training candidates and trainers being forced to undertake training to do the before; resulting in our loyal members refusing to break a strike and being locked out of work without any pay by the company.

Mass Meeting: Pay, Transformation & Train Prep - 3 Disputes Must be Won

RMT has won a fantastic ballot result to fight cuts in train prep. We will also be fighting TfL Transformation cuts in the coming weeks and months. Now we also face a struggle to win a fair pay rise and shorter working week in our pay talks.

Please download the leaflet and circulate it to members in your workplace.

Printed copies will be available for Unity House.

RMT goes into dispute over 'Transformation' cuts plan

Dear Branches, Region & Reps,

Please find attached above a copy of the dispute letter sent today to Jean Cockerill HR Director informing the company we are now in dispute over their failing to consult/negotiate properly over Transformations job cuts etc, and that we have withdrawn from the process and withdrawn our reps.

RMT plan ABM recruitment video

Subject: RMT Nationally Resourced Cleaners Recruitment Drive ABM on LUL

That we note the London Transport Regional Council has agreed to fund the production of a recruitment video for our ABM cleaning grades on the underground on the basis that the union nationally make a substantial contribution.