Train prep schedule ballot papers have been sent out

Dear Colleagues,

EXTENDED TRAIN PREPARATION SCHEDULE - LONDON UNDERGROUND (formerly Train Preparation Schedule - London Underground) (LUL/14/10)

Further to my previous Circular (IR/97/19, 6th March 2019), the decision was taken to re-commence this ballot and I issued fresh correspondence to advise the Company that a dispute situation exists over its intentions to extend the Fleet train preparation schedules. The Company has failed to engage in any meaningful consultation or negotiation with RMT or provide us with full information on all safety aspects.

Victoria Line in dispute over unacceptable breakdown of industrial relations


That we note the resolution from our Finsbury Park Branch regarding them unacceptable breakdown in industrial relations on the Victoria Line.

We instruct the General Secretary to inform the company that we are now in dispute; and arrange a meeting of Victoria Line Train Ops IR and H&S Representatives, Branch Officers with the Senior Assistant General Secretary, Lead Officer (if available) and members of the NEC in attendance.

Members to be advised by email and text.

RMT Upfront - HOT procedure special

Upfront is the newsletter for train drivers on the tube from RMT activists.  This is a special edition about the HOT process and the RMT's ongoing battle with management to make it safe and fit for purpose.

Please share this newsletter online and print it out for distribution in your depot.


LTRC Pay 2019 Bulletin

Pay talks are underway and with no offer on the table from LU for our pay rise this April we need to start mobilising members to fight for our demands:

32h 4day week

Substantial pay rise with flat rate minimum to benefit lower paid grades

Priv for all

Abolish CSA2 on stations

Plus other elements included in our pay submission.

Please download and distribute the LTRC newsletter. Printed copies will be available from Unity House later this week.

RMT tells LU: do not discipline Sister Kyei-Donokoh or we will be in dispute

21st of March 2019

"if any disciplinary sanction whatsoever is given to sister Kyei-Donokoh at her CDI outcome tomorrow a dispute will exist"


That we note the decision of Yesterday’s reps meeting regarding the appalling treatment by the company of sister Sophie Kyei-Donokoh, who after being abused by
a repeat offending member of the public, has been put through a sham of the disciplinary procedure on a Gross Misconduct charge by the company.