Bob Crow's branch (LU Engineering branch)

lueng banner

Includes engineering staff of all grades employed by Metronet, TubeLines and contractors. The LUL Engineering branch has a website here and is on Facebook here




Industrial Relations Matters – Telent / MJ Quinns LU Contract

We note that following the resolution from our LU Engineering branch, a meeting has taken place with GGC members and representatives of our Telent/MJ Quinns members. We affirm the views of our representatives that the situation facing workers on this contract is intolerable, with bullying, inadequate pay, and management refusing to allow employees to take leave during the Olympic period.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to:

RMT Fights for Pay and Justice on Telent/Quinns Contract

We note that following the resolution from our LU Engineering branch, a meeting has taken place with GGC members and representatives of our Telent/MJ Quinns members. We affirm the views of our representatives that the situation facing workers on this contract is intolerable, with bullying, inadequate pay, and management refusing to allow employees to take leave during the Olympic period.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to:

RMT Pursues Recognition with 'Accord'

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the correspondence from Accord, refusing our application for a voluntary recognition agreement despite the large proportion of employees in the bargaining unit who are members of RMT.

We instruct the General Secretary to press ahead with the application for statutory recognition, and with attempts to secure the support of Unite and the TUC for this application.

RMT Organises Lift Maintenance Workers on Tube Lines Contract

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the resolution from our LU Engineering branch, and welcome the many new members who work on maintaining the lifts on Tube Lines.

These members have been under attack from a fierce and anti-RMT management and company called Accord, and have responded by joining RMT and organising through the branch into a fighting unit to hit back at these attacks, and holding a mass meeting last week.

Accord's response to this meeting has been to state that it now intends to recognise Unite from 4 April.

RMT Pursues Representation on APD Reorganisation

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the correspondence from London Underground and the feedback from our branch secretary, which can be found on file.

We note that Sister Darby has requested a personal meeting with the Employee Relations Director of London Underground about this issue, and instruct the General Secretary to obtain a report on this meeting, following which we will consider options for representation in negotiations on this issue.

We further instruct the General Secretary to pursue the other parts of our previous decision of 24 January.

RMT Challenges Poor Treatment of Workers on Telent/Quinns LU Contract

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the resolution from our LU Engineering branch. We fully support its view that the union needs to challenge the dire treatment of our members on the Telent/Quinns partnership working on LUL Contracts, who have received no pay rise for years and who feel that they are generally treated with contempt.

The branch reports that members are asking for industrial action in defence of their pay and conditions, especially as Olympic preparations are being put in place that ignore their rights and working practices.

RMT and Emcor Rail

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note that following objections from our representatives, Emcor Rail withdrew its plan to introduce fingerprinting, and ceased using vehicle trackers to inappropriately monitor staff. We welcome this outcome, and congratulate our representatives and branch. We instruct the General Secretary to make this information available to all lead officers, as we are aware that other employers attempt to introduce these unacceptable practices.

Tube Lines Jubilee Bank Holiday

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the correspondence from Tube Lines, that it will grant staff an additional bank holiday in 2012 due to the Diamond Jubilee. We note that this is the same practice as adopted for the additional bank holiday in 2011.

London Transport Regional Council, LU Fleet and LU Engineering branches to be advised.

RMT Reps Discuss Central Line Asbestos Fears

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note that the meeting referred to in our decision of 6 October 2011 has yet to take place, due to the representatives not having been available. We instruct the General Secretary to write to Stratford no.1 branch advising that unless the representatives make themselves available soon, we will be unable to progress this matter; and to invite LU Engineering branch to send an appropriate representative to this meeting. A report of the meeting is to be placed in front of us once it has taken place.