Bob Crow's branch (LU Engineering branch)

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Includes engineering staff of all grades employed by Metronet, TubeLines and contractors. The LUL Engineering branch has a website here and is on Facebook here




RMT Ends Dispute With MJ Quinn Following Olympic Bonus And Pay Increment, Whilst Telent Dispute Suspended For Further Talks

We note the resolutions from our LU Engineering branch, and in line with these, we instruct the General Secretary to:

  • advise MJ Quinn that following its Olympic bonus, pay increment and relaxation of
    leave restriction, we are no longer in dispute with the company on this contract
  • cancel the ballot of our members on this MJ Quinn contract
  • advise our members of this decision
  • keep our ballot of our members on Telent in suspension
  • place in front of us reports on further talks with Telent and reports from our branch as
    to members’ views

RMT Disappointed By Legal Advice Regarding Tube Lines Decision To Change Occupational Health Providers

We note the disappointing legal advice on this matter, and are appalled that employers apparently have such rights over our members’ personal information. We instruct the General Secretary to issue appropriate advice to our Tube Lines members, to send the full legal advice to the Secretaries of our LU Engineering and LU Fleet branches, and to seek their views on how to pursue this issue.

London Transport Regional Council, LU Engineering and LU Fleet branch to be advised.

Rock Solid Tube Lines Strike Causes Considerable Delay And Train Cancellations

  • Tube Lines RMT members to begin overtime ban from 00:01 on Wednesday 9 May until 00:01 on Wednesday 23 May
  • RMT applauds Tube Lines Staff who went on strike and LU staff who refused to work duties due to safety concerns.

RMT general grades have made the following decision:

We note the report from our lead officer and applaud our Tube Lines members for their solid, strong and effective strike action from 24-27 April. We also applaud those members on London Underground who

Tube Lines strike update

  • Action commences at 16.00 hrs today (24TH April) when Tube Lines staff, including the Emergency Response Unit, will walk off the job.
  • It is important to point out that the impact of the action will extend beyond 72 hours as the strike decision says that … “members are instructed to return to work for shifts starting after 16:00hrs on Friday 27 April 2012.” Due to the shift patterns this means that the action and its impact on services will last throughout Friday evening.

London Fire Brigades Union Backs Striking Tube Lines Workers


London Fire Brigades Union is backing Tube Lines workers starting a 72-hour strike from 4pm this afternoon. The tube workers want access to the Transport for London pension scheme.

Ian Leahair, FBU Executive Council member for London said: “We’re throwing our support behind the Tube Lines workers taking strike action to secure access to the TfL pension scheme. A decent occupational pension is essential for workers to ensure they are not living in poverty in retirement.

Concern As Tube Lines Workers Medical Cover Is Transferred To New Provider With No Consultation With RMT

We note the correspondence from our lead officer, and share his alarm that Tube Lines has notified members that it to change its occupational health provider from Aviva to Capita without any consultation with this union, and has written to members asking them to sign release forms for their medical information to be transferred to Capita.