Bob Crow's branch (LU Engineering branch)

lueng banner

Includes engineering staff of all grades employed by Metronet, TubeLines and contractors. The LUL Engineering branch has a website here and is on Facebook here




Phone hacking

The following resolution submitted by LU Engineering Branch and seconded by Central Line West was carried unanimously at the Regional Council meeting on 25th August.

This branch notes:
The 'Hacking' scandal has done far more than expose what a filthy rich, anti union, anti poor, bastard Murcdoch and News International are.
It has exposed that, even in 'democracies' like Britain, real power actually lies in unelected bodies among massive multi-national corporations and the state. It has, in an instant, exposed the corrupt relationship between the media, state and politicians.

Resolution:LTRC Voting-submitted by LU Engineering and amended by LU Engineering for the August 25th Regional Council meeting.

LTRC Voting:

This resolution, submitted by LU Engineering branch,amended by LU Engineering and seconded by TFL No 1 fell at the August 25th Regional Council meeting-10 votes Against 4 votes For.

Stratford No 1 withdrew their amendment and there was no seconder for an amendment submitted by Piccadilly & District Line West.

TUC Black Workers' Conference - Regional Council 28th July

The following Resolution submitted by LU Engineering was carried at the Regional Council meeting on 28th July.

This region demands that the RMT carries out its responsibility toward its Black Activists in regards to their entailment of Delegation to the TUC's Black Workers Conference from 2012 onwards
Having just over half of our delegation entailment present at this year's conference (8 -10 April 2011), greatly influenced the outcome for our candidate to the Race Relations Committee and increased his vote since we last stood a candidate.

Thales Reps' Elections

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we welcome the verbal report from our Branch Secretary that the elections to the vacant representatives’ positions have now taken place to the satisfaction of our branch. We note, however, that elections for health and safety representatives are outstanding, and instruct the General Secretary to pursue this with the employer.

LU 'Command and Control Review'

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note that London Underground has written to us announcing that it has completed a 'command and control review' which is to include ‘co-location’ of network control functions into one LU Control Centre, which we suspect may involve the forced relocation of staff. It has done this without any consultation with this union, and now has the cheek to offer only 'consultation' about the 'impact on staff' of these changes.

We note that this appears to affect staff in LU service control, Powerlink and Thales.

Signals Grade Progression - Dispute Resolved as LU Agree to RMT Demands

That we note that London Underground has agreed to our demands, and that members who achieve the appropriate qualifications will now receive the substantive grade and rate of pay.

We congratulate our branch, representatives and members on their resolve in pursuing this issue through grievances, negotiations and an industrial action ballot to a satisfactory outcome.

We therefore cancel our industrial action ballot.

RMT Rejects Below-Inflation EDF Powerlink Pay Offer

We note that EDF has made an offer to settle the Wages and Supervisory Grades pay claim for 2011 of:

  • Year 1 with effect from 1st April 2011 an increase in basic salaries and associated allowances of 4.5%
  • Years 2 to 5 inclusive with effect from 1st April each year from 2012 to 2015 an increase in basic salaries and associated allowances of the published June RPI figure plus 0.25%
  • The next review date will be the 1st April 2006