Bob Crow's branch (LU Engineering branch)

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Includes engineering staff of all grades employed by Metronet, TubeLines and contractors. The LUL Engineering branch has a website here and is on Facebook here




Resolution: ACAS Talks

This resolution, submitted by LU Engineering branch, was carried unanimously by the November meeting of the Regional Council.

That this region fails to understand the logic of the talks at ACAS over the station job losses that have excluded our elected Regional Organiser and left the team at ACAS without an elected official to represent and negotiate for us all at these talks. We therefore call on this exclusion to be withdrawn and our Regional Organiser reinstated to these talks.

Joint Communication sent by: RMT; UNITE; TSSA and ASLEF to LU Employees impacted by Support Services Review

leafletClick '1 attachment' to download this as a PDF.

Following various meeting the Trade Unions have held with London Underground, we feel it would be beneficial to update you on the current situation in respect of Assessment & Selection and also awareness of the implications of applying for the Non Permanent Roles listed by LU.

Assessment & Selection

Flexible Working & Parental Leave Legislation

The following resolution, submitted by LU Engineering branch and seconded by Stratford no.1 branch, was passed unanimously by the November meeting of the Regional Council.

That this Branch deplores the weakness of Flexible Working and Parental Leave legislation. The legislation only requires the Employer to "consider" a request by parents and carers for arrangements which allow them to work and take care of their families.

Ten Reasons Why Engineering and Fleet Workers Should Vote YES-YES to Save Jobs

Click '1 attachment' / file name to download this as a 2-page leaflet containing other articles too.

1. London Underground management propose to cut around 800 station staff. This means that they are looking to get maintenance staff who work out on the operational railway attending and assisting in emergency situations eg. If a train gets stalled in a tunnel, with no station staff available, they will send out a callpoint maintainer or technical officer.

Resolution: Adverse Weather Conditions

The following resolution, submitted by LU Engineering branch and seconded by Hammersmith & City branch, was carried unanimously by the March meeting of the Regional Council ...

This Region opposes the requirement that staff take annual leave if they were unable to get to work during "adverse" weather conditions

The recent guidelines from Howard Collins are unfair in some respects to all staff.

Resolution for LTRC: PTAC (Privilege Travel)

This resolution, submitted by LU Engineering branch and seconded by Camden 3 branch, was carried by the March meeting of the Regional Council.

We hear reports month after month of the increases in the cost of Travel; but we were always protected from these increases by Staff Passes and the PTAC.

Since the PPP and the privatising of the National Railway we have expected attacks to get rid or erode these privileges that we have acquired through united struggles led by our Unions.

Former Metronet Signallers To Take Strike Action After A Twelve To One Ballot For Action

Former Metronet signals members voted massively in favour of both strike action and action short of a strike.

The First 24 hour strike action will take place between 06.45 hours on Friday 5th February and 06.45 hours on Saturday 6th February 2010.

Further 24 hour strike action will take place every weekend from Sunday morning into Monday morning. The first of these will take place between 06.45 hours on Sunday 14th February and 06.45 hours on Monday 15th February 2010.

Tube Lines Claim for £327M Of Public Money Rejected

Tube Lines, whose late completion of upgrade work on the Jubilee Line has resulted in numerous weekend closures, has had a claim for £327m in compensation to complete the work rejected by an independent adjudicator. Tube Lines attempted to claim the money from London Underground. It felt LU was to blame for the work not being completed on time as access to the track was not sufficient.

Resolution: Conduct of London Underground Pay Dispute

The following resolution, submitted by LU Engineering branch and seconded by TfL no.1 branch, was passed at the Regional Council meeting on 28 January 2010.

This branch believes that the conduct of the recent dispute over pay raised some serious issues of democracy and integrity. This resolution seeks to improve the way in which the executive operates in future disputes. We demand that:

  • Once a decision to ballot has been made, the executive moves decisively to implementation
  • Communications with members and reps on the progress of negotiations is honest