RMT Executive decisions

Decisions of RMT's Council of Executives, and of RMT's General Grades Committee (the section of the Council of Executives which deals with industrial matters for railway and other non-shipping grades)

RMT To Collate Information As Part Of Fight Against Future Job Cuts At LUL

We note that this document adds further evidence to support our belief that London Underground is planning a wholesale attack on jobs and conditions, under the pretext of new technology such as driverless trains, smartcard ticketing and automated maintenance. We reaffirm this union’s view that new technology should be used to complement staff, improve services and increase safety – not as a pretext for cutting staff and cutting corners.

Equality Advisory Committees – Basis Of Elections

National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Advisory Committee

In the absence of statistics as to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender membership, we reaffirm the existing basis of election to this Advisory Committee as up to five delegates per Regional Council area. This is to be reviewed prior to the next election in 2015.

Branches, Regional Councils and current members of our National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Advisory Committee to be advised.

National Women’s Advisory Committee

RMT Executive Confirms Allocation of Members to Branches

This decision confirmed the allocation of members and workplaces to the 17 branches in RMT’s London Transport region, as listed here.


We note the report from our Regional Organiser regarding spheres of influence of branches within London Transport region. We endorse the report and instruct the General Secretary to ensure its implementation.

RMT View Initial's Plans For Fingerprinting Workers As An Attack On Civil Liberties And A Tool For Victimisation

We note the reply from Initial, that this is a group wide initiative from Initial Facilities to implement the Kronos Time and Attendance System into all contracts by end of 2012, with both biometric and telephone systems in operation. We also note the views of our representatives, who strongly oppose this move, rightly seeing it as an attack on their civil liberties and a weapon for management to use to victimise our members.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to:
1. Urgently contact Initial management demanding a meeting to discuss our objections.

Executive Decision On Power and Electrical Department APD Stations Group Industrial Action

“That we note the report from the General Secretary and accordingly instruct the General Secretary to call on our Senior Technicians, Electricians, Team Leaders and Work Controller members within the Power and Electrical Department APD Stations Group , London Underground Ltd to take action short of strike action by not working any overtime from 06.00 hrs on Friday 7th September until 23.59 Sunday 9th September 2012. A Personal Letter to be sent to all members informing them of our decision. LU Engineering Branch to be advised. “

Advice To Be Given To Members On Casualisation Dispute

We note the views expressed by our LT region train grades committee, the need to keep our disputes and industrial action continuously under review, and our members’ need for advice and information.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to ensure the speedy and effective implementation of our previous decision of 17 July 2012 to ensure that members are given full support and information in carrying out our industrial action, including both printed materials and personal contact with officials and representatives.

RMT Pushes For Adequate Time For Consultation On LU Uniform Committee Discussions

We note that our representatives are currently released from work only for the actual date of the quarterly meeting of London Underground’s Uniform Consultative Committee, giving them no time to properly prepare, consult and report back.

We instruct the General Secretary to request from London Underground Ltd that it release our Uniform Consultative Committee representatives for one day prior to the agenda deadline for the meeting to consult and prepare, and one day to report back. Developments are to be placed in front of us.

Casualisation Dispute Moves Forward

We note the views expressed by our LT region train grades committee, the need to keep our disputes and industrial action continuously under review, and our members’ need for advice and information.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to ensure the speedy and effective implementation of our previous decision of 17 July 2012 to ensure that members are given full support and information in carrying out our industrial action, including both printed materials and personal contact with officials and representatives.